Report Export Options
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Report Export Options

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Minimal Spreadsheet .xlsx

The default, and for good reason. This option allows for quick downloads with most of the formatting applied from the site. A smaller file output means sharing is easier than other spreadsheet formats.

Excel 2007 .xlsx

The Cadillac experience. Formatted as you see it on the site, compatible with current spreadsheet programs. File size is larger than the minimal spreadsheet.

Legacy Excel .xls

Legacy Excel is only for use when you are running an older version of excel. If you’re not sure what you need, start with the xlsx, then come here.

OpenOffice Spreadsheet .ods

Exactly what it says, an open office spreadsheet option. For use with Open Source spreadsheet software.

Comma-Delimited .csv

This option is the recommended export option for integrations, AI tools, 3rd party reporting. No formatting means no compatibility issues with this file format. It also means no formatting though.

PDF Document

A PDF output of the report file. Good for printing, takes a lot of processing power (and time) for larger reports.

HTML Document

An html output that allows you to send a small file with no need to know about the software options available to the recipient. Works on web browsers.