Recap Approval and Rejection
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Recap Approval and Rejection

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After a recap has been submitted, you have the option of approving or rejecting those submissions. Let’s learn how.

Recap Approval

We’re going to start on a positive note and assume that all is well with the recap you’re reviewing. The data is clear and concise, exactly how you want it. So what’s next? You’ve got options. If you only have one recap for the event and you know it’s good to go, you can just click Approve All Recaps right at the top of the Event Summary. You can also click this button if you have more than one recap and you know they’re all completed to standard.

If instead, you have multiple recaps and you don’t want to approve them all at once or you just want to approve a single recap while also viewing the recap, you’re going to want to scroll down to the bottom of the event summary. That’s where you’re going to find the recap response(s) that have been submitted for the event will display.

For each submitted recap, you’ll find a card displaying all of the questions with responses. If you want to see the full form, click Toggle unanswered questions. Now, to get back on track, if you want to approve an individual recap here, you just click Approve Recap.

There will be one Approve button per recap submitted.

Declining Recaps

Sometimes things won’t be quite so smooth and there may be cause to send a recap back to the submitter. Save steps for everyone involved by using the recap rejection functionality. You’ll find this whole process essentially the same as the approval process, but just make sure you’re hitting the yellow button instead of the blue one.

As with approvals, at the top of the event summary page, you’ll find a Reject All Recaps button. This button will reject all submitted recaps on the event so use this button with caution. To reject every recap associated with an event, click Reject All Recaps.

You also have the option of rejecting individual recaps. Odds are that this will be your most common way of interacting with the recap rejection functionality. In the same vein as approving individual recaps, individual rejections are done at the bottom of the event summary. Directly above the submitted recap definition, you’ll see three buttons. You’ve got Delete Recap Response, Decline Recap, and Approve Recap. For our purposes here, you’ll want to click Decline Recap.

Now you’ll be prompted to give a reason for declining the recap. This will help the submitter to make the correct fixes and get you the data you’re looking for.

Once you’ve entered the reason, click Confirm.

After that action, the event status will change to Recap Rejected and depending on what type of user entered the recap, things will display a little differently. If the user was a staff user, when they next log in to their portal, they’ll have a new card under the “Rejected Recap” banner at the top of the app.

They need to click Edit Recap to enter the recap and then they’ll see their completed definition along with the rejection reason (if applicable).

For management users, the recap at the bottom of the page will display the rejection message.

When editing the recap submission, the rejection reason will also display at the top.

Once the submitter adjusts the recap, the event status will be returned to Recapped.