Market Hierarchy
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Market Hierarchy

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Article summary

Every location that is added into MainEvent must be assigned to a market. When a location is then assigned to an event, it pulls that event into the corresponding market. All events must have an assigned location and an assigned market in the MainEvent system.

User permissions are also controlled by Market, which allows you to decide exactly what events and event data a user has access to. Any user will only be able to view and access events and venues that are associated with their assigned markets.

Market names are typically cities, states or regions. Most agency clients have an already established list of markets and we recommend you use those if you have them.

Where our structure may differ from what you’re used to is in the upper tiers of the market hierarchy. We do require that you also include at least one Region and District. You can have as many as you want, but we require a minimum of one.

A typical example of a full market hierarchy is:

Region = USA

District= Northeast, Southeast, Midwest, Southwest, Mountain, West

Market = by state

Each state would then be slotted into the corresponding District, ie. New York, New Jersey, Vermont, New Hampshire, etc would fall under the Northeast District.

These are just suggestions, if you have a preferred three tier setup that you want to use, that’s the right way to go. But the structure needs to be three tiers, that’s one aspect of MainEvent that is not configurable or changeable.