Standard Dashboard Builder
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Standard Dashboard Builder

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Article summary

The MainEvent Dashboard builder allows you to see your event data quickly and easily when entering the site. Visual graphs, stats, and calendars are all available to add in this fully configurable feature.

What am I looking at here?

Your dashboard will be built by adding individual elements (widgets), sizing them, and then placing them where you want them. The default widgets that will appear on the site are Map, Calendar, and Media Highlights. These are movable, removable, or resizable. You may also wish to add additional widgets to your dashboard for easy visualization of where your program stands.

Edit Mode

Before you make any changes to your dashboard, you will need to enter Edit mode. To get there, click the Edit Dashboard button.

This will open the page in editing mode. Only one user is able to have access to the editing mode at any one time. When you checkout the dashboard for editing, you will have exclusive access to it for 24 hours. Once that time period has expired, if you have not applied your changes, they will be lost and the dashboard will be released for other users to access editing.

Other users entering the site will see that the dashboard is checked out, when it will be released, and who is currently working on the builder.

Adding a Widget

To add a widget to the dashboard, click the Add Widget button. This will open a dropdown menu with all your widget options. Take your pick.

Types of Widgets

Bar Chart

The Bar Chart is a diagram in which the numerical values of variables are represented by the height or length of lines or rectangles of equal width.

Available Data Options: Weekly breakdown of recap question(s), Monthly breakdown of recap question(s), Recap question(s) by market, Recap question(s) by event type, Recap question(s) by market & program, Recap question(s) by Asset, Recap question(s) by program, Events by market & program, Events by status, Events by program, Events by status and program, Events by status and type, Events by type, Recap select question by market, Recap select question by program, Select type recap question, Recap select question by asset, Yes/No type recap question, Recap Yes/No question by program
Needs Recap (Events List)

An agenda list view of all events in the selected statuses.

Asset Activities List

An agenda list view of your asset activities. You can choose to show all asset activities, past asset activities, present and future asset activities, or only asset activities that can have events requested. You may also choose to exclude certain activity types.

Display Text

A heading to convey a direct message to the user. Allows basic formatting.

Line Chart

The line chart displays information as a series of data points called 'markers' connected by straight line segments.

Available Data Options: Weekly breakdown of recap question(s), Monthly breakdown of recap question(s), Recap question(s) by market, Recap question(s) by event type, Recap question(s) by market and program, Recap question(s) by program, Recap question(s) by Asset, Events by Market and program, Events by Program, Events by status and program, Events by status and type, Events by type, Recap select question by market, Recap select question by program, Yes/No type recap question, Recap Yes/No question by program
Stacked Bar Chart

A stacked bar chart uses bars to show comparisons between categories of data, but with ability to break down and compare parts of a whole. Each bar in the chart represents a whole, and segments in the bar represent different parts or categories of that whole.

Available Data Options: Weekly breakdown of recap question(s), Monthly breakdown of recap question(s), Recap question(s) by market, Recap question(s) by event type, Recap question(s) by market & program, Recap question(s) by Asset, Recap question(s) by program, Events by market & program, Events by status, Events by status and program, Events by program, Events by status and type, Events by type, Recap select question by market, Recap select question by program, Select type recap question, Recap select question by asset, Yes/No type recap question, Recap Yes/No question by program
Pie Chart

A pie chart displays a circle divided into sectors that each represent a proportion of the whole.

Available Data Options: Recap question by market, Recap question vs. recap question, Recap question by event type, Events by status, Events by type, Select type recap question, Yes/No type recap question

Stat Billboard

The Stat Billboard displays a single data point or computed value that allows users to see the figure "at a glance".

Available Data Options: Custom field sum, Leads field sum, Multiple custom fields sum, Multiple custom fields sum by product, Total events, Total asset activities, Total events with an assigned asset


The national map shows clustered results of event locations. Zooming in will display more specific event location results and allow users to click through to the event summary page on any event.

Agenda (Calendar List)

A list view of all events on the calendar.


A standard calendar view of events in the system. Can be toggled between weekly and monthly view.


A preview window that displays a random selection of recent media uploads.

Asset Calendar

A calendar view to display all asset activities. The calendar will include a dedicated section on each day for each asset whether there is a scheduled activity or not. This allows for easy visualization of each assets bookings.

Editing Your Widget

Once you have selected the widget type from the dropdown, the widget itself will display at the bottom of the dashboard on the left hand side of the screen. Once you’ve found your new widget, click on the pencil icon to edit.

This will open the widget edit modal. In this view, you can edit the name, data type, fields, and event statuses that will be used for the chart. You can also edit the scale of the chart to ensure that the data is being visualized the way you want it to be.

Click Preview Changes to get a sneak peak of what your chart will look like. Then click Save to apply your changes to the dashboard.

Moving and Resizing Widgets

So you’ve created a widget and it’s displaying the information that you want, but it’s not in the right spot on the page and it’s not the ideal size. How can we address that?

The dashboard builder allows users to drag and drop widgets, and will automatically align them on a grid. Just click on the widget you want to move and drag it to where you want it to be. Widgets also allow for dynamic resizing. Hover your mouse over the widget you want to resize and a two-sided arrow will display in the lower right hand corner. Click on that corner of the widget and drag to resize.

At this point, the widget has been added to the dashboard but it is not visible on the live dashboard. You can choose to edit the widget further (by clicking the pencil), delete the widget altogether (by clicking the garbage can), add additional widgets (by following the same steps outlined above), or finish your editing and apply your changes to the live dashboard.

Making It Live!

Once you have made all the edits you want to your dashboard, you will want to show off all your hard work to your colleagues. To do so, scroll up to the top of the dashboard page. There are three buttons there. So far, we’ve only paid attention to the Add Widget button. The other two are where we’re going to look now.

If you’ve made changes and find that they aren’t everything you wanted them to be, you can click the Discard All Changes button to remove all changes you made and return to the standard dashboard view. This will take you out of edit mode and bring you back to the client level dashboard page. This button will also release the dashboard to other members of your team that may be waiting to make edits. No changes will be applied to the dashboard if you select the Discard All Changes button.

If you’re thrilled with the changes you’ve completed while editing and can’t wait to share, clicking Apply Changes will make those changes live for all users to see. Apply Changes will release the dashboard from edit mode at the same time. All changes that are visible in the dashboard editor will be made visible to the entire site at this time.