Viewing Reports
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Viewing Reports

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MainEvent offers custom reports for displaying data collected on the site.  To view a report, click Reports in the navigation menu and select Custom Reports List.  

This will bring you to the Custom Reports Index.  Here you’ll see all the Custom Reports that have been assigned to your user group.  To open a report, click the Report Name or the eyeball icon.

When the report opens, you’ll see the Report Name in the upper left of the page.  There’s a button to add this report to your My Reports folder for quick and easy access to your most important reports.

Then you’ll see any filters that are available on the report.  Typically a report will include at least a date filter to allow you to specify what range of data you wish to include.  Other filters may be available depending on the report.

You’ll also see your export options.  The default option is also the quickest: Export to Minimal Spreadsheet, an excel spreadsheet format.  Additional formats are: Excel 2007, Legacy Excel, OpenOffice Spreadsheet, Comma-Delimited, PDF document, HTML document.  Depending on the size and complexity of the report, these other formats may take time to download.  Learn more about our export formats here

Finally, there’s the report itself.  Click the arrows above any column to reorder the data.  The report will default to showing limited data to speed up load time, but if needed, you may select Load All Data to see the full report at once. 

If there are reports that you require on a schedule, consider setting up automated reports.  You can learn more about them here.  This feature will deliver a report to your email inbox on a set schedule (daily, weekly, monthly, or quarterly) and save you the time of having to export it yourself.