Submitting a Claim
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Submitting a Claim

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Article summary

Submitting claims on the MainEvent Staff Portal allows staff users to submit their hours and any additional claims they may have for their shift in one place. It is integrated with the payroll system so that claims created within MainEvent can be approved by management and then paid directly to staff.

Submitting a Primary Claim

A primary claim is the first claim that will be submitted and will be for hours worked. To begin the claims submission process, look in either your Previous Shifts or Today’s Shifts sections and locate the shift that you need to submit a claim for. This will be visibly denoted by the green Submit Claims button on the shift card. Click Submit Claims.

This will open the Edit Claims window. This window will contain shift information such as the Visit Name, Staff Name, Visit Date, Shift Time, Position Type, Location and Address. Verifying against this information ensures that all claims are brought against the correct shift.

The next step is to enter the Actual Shift Date into the allotted field. This allows changes in schedule that were not changed at the event level to still reflect accurate shift information. The default for this section is to populate with the date the shift was scheduled for, however, users can click on the field to open a calendar and select the correct date.

After the correct date is selected, users may be asked to select the Shift Segment classification. The options are First Shift of the Day, Not the First or Last Shift of the Day, Last Shift of the Day, and Only Shift of the Day. This section is required for downstream payroll processes. Select the option that applies to the shift.


Next, select the Claim Type from the drop-down menu. In this section, as the user is claiming their hours, their selection will be Hourly Wages. Select the correct selection for your event wages from the dropdown on your application.

Below, users will find the Scheduled Start, Scheduled End and Scheduled Hours listed for the shift. This is not the set time for the claim but is a guide as to what the person staffing the visit scheduled for this shift. Staff users are able to make any necessary adjustments to their actual hours in the fields below. Claim Start, Claim End and Claim Hours are the times and amounts that will be sent for approval.

To enter Claim Start and Claim End times, users can click on the time fields and use the arrow buttons to toggle by 15 minute increments. To enter the time manually, users can click on the field and type the desired time into the box.


In instances where the shift is long enough to warrant a meal break, Staff Users should enter the time they took their break. Click the box next to I Took a Meal Break.

Enter the Meal Break Start and Meal Break End times as Claim Start and Claim End times were entered. Times can be entered using the arrows to toggle or entered manually.

If breaks are unpaid, please ensure that the Meal Break Hours are deducted from the Claim Hours. This will mean that the Claim Start or Claim End time may not match up with the start or end of the shift but the Claim Hours will equal the number of hours worked. For example, if a user takes a 30-minute lunch break, they should deduct 30 minutes from their Claim End time to ensure they are claiming the correct number of hours for the shift.

If this is the only claim being made for the shift, click Submit Claims in the bottom left-hand corner of the window. This will send the claim to management for approval.

Submitting Secondary Claims

Secondary Claims can be added to a shift at the same time as a Primary Claim or as necessary afterward. To begin adding a Secondary Claim, click the New Claim bar below the Primary Claim information.

Users will then select the Category for the claim – Amount, Distance or Time.

Amount-Based Claims

For an Amount-based claim, Claim Types can include Air Fare, Car Expense, Copy/Printing/Fax/Office Supplies, Employee Bonus, Gas, Meals While Traveling, Miscellaneous, Postage, Sampling Dollars, Sampling Supplies, Taxi/Public Transportation, Tolls/Parking and Wireless depending on what is enabled for your program. Select the appropriate Claim Type.

After Claim Type, enter a Description for the claim, such as “Parking at Event” or “Tolls for bridge on the route”. Then enter the Amount for the Claim, the Vendor, and the Transaction Date.

Next, upload an image of the Receipt. Click Browse and select the file.

A preview image will be visible on the Claim Submission page.

If this is the final claim to be submitted, click Submit Claims. Additional claims can be added by clicking Add Another Claim. If necessary, the entire claim section can be cleared by clicking Reset.

Distance-Based Claims

To create a Distance-based claim, select Distance from the Category drop-down menu.

For a Distance-based claim, Claim Types can include Travel, Mileage/Kilometers, Mileage Adjustment, Mileage Rate Adjustment. These options will be set according to each Project’s permissions. Select the appropriate Claim Type.

Next, write a Description of the claim.

Finally, enter the Distance Units. This is the number of miles/kilometers travelled.

If this is the final claim to be submitted, click Submit Claims. Additional claims can be added by clicking Add Another Claim. If necessary, the entire claim section can be removed by clicking Reset.

Time-Based Claims

To create a time-based claim, select Time from the Category drop-down menu.

For a time-based claim, Claim Types can include Admin Wages, Conference Call Wages, Setup, Overtime Wages, Training Wages and Travel Wages. Select the appropriate Claim Type.

Next, enter a Description for the claim being submitted.

Enter the Start and End times for the claim.

Entering the times may populate an exception limit warning. This is merely an advisement that the amount of time entered is above the setting for automatic approvals and will not hinder the submission of a claim. Select Yes to submit the claim with the entered amount of time.

If this is the final claim to be submitted, click Submit Claims. Additional claims can be added by clicking Add Another Claim. If necessary, the entire claim section can be removed by clicking Reset.