Staffing Docs Package
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Staffing Docs Package

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Article summary

Global Staff Import Tool

The Global staff import tool can be used by administrators to quickly create new staff profiles. This tool allows you to bypass having to manually create each staff member or have them apply, and instead provides an excel template that can be filled out and uploaded to create multiple staff profiles at once.

Completing the Template

Follow the steps below to download the staff import template and create new staff users.

Navigate to the template page

To start, click on the Global button on your navigation bar. Once in the global section, click on Tools and then Staff Import on the navigation bar.

Download the template

You will be brought to a page where you can download the template. Simply click on Download Template and a pre-populated excel spreadsheet will start to download.

Fill out the template

Once the template has been downloaded, you can open it in excel and begin to create the staff profiles.

Each line represents a different staff user. Mandatory fields are Email, First and Last Name and will need to be filled out for each staff member in order to be uploaded. There's no limit on the number of staff users that can be created at once.

Once you have completed the template as needed, save the file in .csv format.


To upload the template to MainEvent, navigate back to your internet browser and click Continue. You will be brought to a page where you can choose the file you just updated and select it for upload.

Click Conduct Test for the system to check the file for errors or omissions. If there are any errors, such as duplicate names etc. the system will provide a warning.

Confirm upload

If there are no errors, click Complete Import and the staff client assignments will be officially updated.

Manually Adding Staff

Staff can be shared between clients, assigned to markets and locations, submit recaps and claims, create their own ad hoc events and guerilla stops! But first, they have to be added to the site. Here’s how we do that.

Going Global

To add staff to a client site, you must begin at the global level. From the navigation menu, click Global.

Once you’re on the global page, you’ll want to click the Staff tab, then select Add.

This will bring you to a Staff Profile Page. The first part that you will need to complete is the Personal Details section.

The required sections will be highlighted in red. These fields are: First Name, Last Name, Primary Address, Primary City, Primary State/Province, Primary Zip, Primary Country Code, Birthdate, Primary Number, Email.

The next section will allow you to assign Traits and Trait Groups to the staff user. In order to accomplish this, you will have to have already set up Traits and Trait Groups. This is covered in a different document.

Available Traits or Trait Groups (a cluster of single traits collected together) will be listed. To select a Trait Group, click the Assign Traits button next to the group. Single traits are assigned a la carte by selecting or deselecting the checkbox next to the trait name. Traits are optional to use and optional to assign to staff. You may assign as many or as few traits to staff users as you want.

Certifications will follow, and like Traits, they will need to be added to the system prior to being assigned to staff users. Certifications are assigned individually by selecting or deselecting the checkbox next to the Certification name.

Certifications may also be assigned an expiry date (if the Certification is set up to be expirable in the Certifications section), and this date is set per staff user. Click the Expiration Date field and add the correct date from the date selector calendar. Selection will be done by choosing the Year, then Month, and Day.


Next, you will assign the user their portal login. Their status will be automatically set to Active. Once you have completed the setup for the user account, they will be sent an email to create their own password.

You can also add payroll ID information, and upload headshots (if applicable to your program).

Now we get into the good stuff, the staff assignments. The assignments will impact what the staff user is able to view and access on the site, and also impact when you are able to staff them to an event.

Assignments are handled first by Client, Programs, Markets, and Positions. Each staff user can be assigned to any or all of the options within each of these categories, with some caveats. If a user is not assigned to a client, they cannot be assigned to any programs, markets or positions within that client. Likewise, if a user is not assigned to the program, they cannot be assigned to that program’s markets or positions. Assignments must be set from the top down in the following order: Client→Program→Market→Positions

Once you have selected the assignments, you have the option of assigning the staff user to Locations. These locations can be used when the staff are creating ad-hoc events on their portal. You can search for existing locations by Market, Location Name, Location Street Address, City, State, or Location Type. All results will be displayed in the Search Results section below. Choose a location by selecting the checkbox beside the Location Name and then clicking Add Selected.

All Locations assigned to a user will display on at the top of the User Locations section.

Once all the desired changes have been made, click Save Staff Profile. The staff user will now be visible on the Global Staff Index, as well as the Staff Index of any client they were assigned to in the setup.

Global - Staff Assignment Tool

The Global staff assignment tool can be used by administrators to quickly assign staff to clients. This tool allows you to bypass having to manually edit each staff member, and instead provides an excel template that can be filled out and then uploaded to update multiple staff member’s client assignments at once.

Completing the Template

In order to download the staff assignment template and update the staff users you will need to follow the steps below.

How to Navigate to the template page

From the global section, click on Tools and then Staff Assignments on the navigation bar.

Download the template

You will be brought to a page where you can download the template. Simply click on Download Template and a pre-populated excel spreadsheet will start to download.

Fill out the template

Once the template has been downloaded, you can open it in excel and begin to update the staff’s client assignments.

Each line lists an individual staff use, their staff ID #, and any clients that they are already assigned to (indicated with an “X” under the respective client’s column). You can assign staff to one or multiple client blocks which in turn allows them to be assigned to programs and markets that fall under those client block(s). Place an “X” next to the staff name and under the desired client column for their profile to be updated.

Once you have assigned the staff to their respective clients, save the file in a .csv format.


To upload the template back into the system, navigate back to your internet browser and click continue. You will be brought to a page where you can choose the file you just updated and select it for upload.

Click Conduct Test for the system to check the file for errors. If there are any errors, such as duplicate names, misspelled names etc. the system will provide a warning and stop you from proceeding with the upload.

Confirm upload

If there are no errors, click Complete Import and the staff client assignments will be officially updated.

Client Staff Assignment Tool

The Client Staff Assignment Tool can be used by administrators to quickly assign staff to programs, markets, and position types under a parent program (client block). This tool allows you to bypass having to manually edit each staff member, and instead provides an excel template that can be filled out and then uploaded to update multiple staff member’s parent program assignments at once.

Completing the Template

In order to download the parent program staff assignment template and update the staff users you will need to follow the steps below.

How to Navigate to the template page

To start, you will want to click on the Global button on your navigation bar and then navigate to the desired Parent Program tile. Once in the parent program of choice, click on Tools and then Staff Assignments on the navigation bar.

Download the template

You will be brought to a page where you can download the template. Simply click on Download Template and a pre-populated excel spreadsheet will start to download.

Fill out the template

Once the template has been downloaded, you can open it in excel and begin to update the staff’s assignments.

Each line represents a different staff user, what their staff id # is, as well as any program, markets, or position types that they are already assigned to (indicated with an “X” under the respective column). You can assign staff one or multiple programs, markets, and position types which in turn allows them to be staffed to events that fall under those programs, markets, position types. Place an “X” next to the staff name and under the desired client column for their profile to be updated.

Once you have assigned the staff to their respective program, markets, and positions, save the file. You will want to make sure it is saved as a .csv file in order to complete the next step.


To upload the template back into the system, navigate back to your internet browser and click continue. You will be brought to a page where you can choose the file you just updated and select it for upload.

Click Conduct Test for the system to check the file for errors. If there are any errors, such as duplicate names, misspelled names etc. the system will provide a warning.

Confirm upload

If there are no errors you click Complete Import and the staff client assignments will be officially updated.

You can repeat this process for each client as needed.

Staff Profile Fields

Staff Profile Fields allow you to have access to the information you need to know about your staff users. The fields appear on their staff profile page and with MainEvent, you can choose which fields are visible, required, optional, or hidden. Get to know your staff and have the information you need by curating your staff profile fields. You will also have the ability to further configure these fields by assigning them to user roles.

Global Staff Fields

Prior to adding staff, you will need to go through and select the fields that you want to have as required on the staff profile. The only fields that are universally required are First Name, Last Name, and Email Address. These fields are required on a system-wide basis. Other fields that are irrevocably in Active status are: Middle Name, Date of Birth, Primary Phone Number, Primary Address, Primary City, Primary State, Primary Zip, and Primary Country. Everything else can be made Active, Inactive, Required, or Not Required.

To begin this setup process, click Staff in the Global navigation menu and then select Profile Fields.

This will bring you to the Edit Staff Fields page. This page will show you all Standard Fields, basic identifying information fields.

Use the Active and Required Yes/No toggles to quickly adjust whether a field is required to be completed by staff users or whether the field is active at all.

To the left of the Field Name is an Edit button. Click Edit to enter the Details page for any individual field. The Details page will allow you to determine who can view and edit the field, whether the field is active, required, available during the staff registration process, available on the 2nd stage of staff registration, whether staff users can view, and if staff users can edit.

To make any changes, click the checkbox. Once the settings for the field are to your liking, click Submit.

In addition to the Standard Fields, the Edit Staff Fields page also has a second tab called Custom Fields. This section will list any fields that have been added by you to your MainEvent site. Fields can be reordered by dragging and dropping. They will also include an edit button as with the Standard fields tab. You will also have quick toggles for Active and Required columns.

This section also allows you to add any new fields you wish to see on the Staff Profile Page. To begin, click Add New Field.

Will open the Staff Profile Field Details page. Here you will enter the Name, select the Field Type, check the appropriate options (Active, Required, Visible for Registration, Visible for Registration 2nd Step, Staffing User Can View, Staffing User Can Edit, Alphabetically Sort Options). If you wish - and the field type is compatible - you may also wish to add a Min Length or Max Length. This will require staff to input responses of a minimum and/or maximum length. You are also able to enter Help Text, which can be useful to guide respondents to provide the correct information. Then you will select which User Roles can View and Edit the field itself. Once you have completed this page, click Submit or Submit & Add Another if you have multiple fields to add.

Once you have the fields created, you may wish to choose which user roles can view the fields and edit the fields. You may want to have the staff user be able to view certain fields but only allow admin level users to edit, for example. Or perhaps it is only HR users who are able to enter and edit user profiles. You can control who can see and edit what, by entering the Profile Field Matrix.

At the top right of the page, click Assignment Matrix.

This will bring you to the Profile Field Matrix page. Each profile field is listed down the left of the page. Along the top, each user role will display. In a grid, there will be a View and Edit checkbox for each field per user role. Check or uncheck the box to either allow or not allow all users assigned to each role the ability to View and/or Edit a profile field.

Make all selections, then click Save Field Assignments at the bottom of the page. These settings will then apply universally across the site.

Client Staff Fields

On the Client level, it is also possible to create and customize the application of Profile Fields. From the client level, all fields are custom fields, as the standard fields are applied globally. To navigate to the client-level Profile Fields, first click into the client site, click Staff, then select Profile Fields.

This will open the Staff Fields page. Here you will see the list of any previously created custom fields made for this client. This list will be empty if no fields have been specifically created for the client.

As with the Global page, you will be able to make fields required or not, active or not. If a field is marked as Required, you will not be able to inactivate the field until that setting has been flipped to No.

To create a new field, click Add New Field.

This will open the Staff Profile Field Details page. Here you will enter the Name, select the Field Type, check the appropriate options (Active, Required, Visible for Registration, Visible for Registration 2nd Step, Staffing User Can View, Staffing User Can Edit, Alphabetically Sort Options). If you wish - and the field type is compatible - you may also wish to add a Min Length or Max Length. This will require staff to input responses of a minimum and/or maximum length. You are also able to enter Help Text, which can be useful to guide respondents to provide the correct information. Then you will select which User Roles can View and Edit the field itself. Once you have completed this page, click Submit or Submit & Add Another if you have multiple fields to add.

Once you have the fields created, you can select which user roles can view the fields and edit the fields. You may want to have the staff user be able to view certain fields but only allow admin level users to edit, for example. Or perhaps it is only HR users who are able to enter and edit user profiles. You can control who can see and edit what, by entering the Profile Field Matrix.

At the top right of the page, click Assignment Matrix.

This will bring you to the Profile Field Matrix page. Each profile field is listed down the left of the page. Along the top, each user role will display. In a grid, there will be a View and Edit checkbox for each field per user role. Check or uncheck the box to either allow or not allow all users assigned to each role the ability to View and/or Edit a profile field.

Make all selections, then click Save Field Assignments at the bottom of the page. These settings will be applied across the client site.

Editing Staff Profile and Assignments

After you’ve added the staff needed to the site, you may find overtime you also need to make changes to those profiles. The staff profile exists on both the Global and Client levels, so be aware of what level you are making the changes on and what level you need to be at to make the changes you need to make.

Global Staff Profile

From the Global Homepage, go to the Staff tab on the navigation menu and clicking View.

You’re now looking at the Field Staff Index. This page will list all global staff. Find the user you wish to make changes to in the list. At the edge of the index, under the Columns button click the downward facing arrow and then click Edit.

This will open the individual’s Staff Profile page. The top section is for Personal Details. This includes the user’s name, address, DOB, and contact information. The fields highlighted in red are mandatory fields.

Following the personal details section will be the custom fields section. These will be fields that were configured only for your global site. If any of these fields are required, they will be similarly indicated. Otherwise, they are considered optional fields.

Next will be the Traits and Certifications sections. These may or may not be in use on your site. If they are not being used, you will not see these sections on the profiles. Traits and Certifications are created on the global level and assigned to staff users. You may be able to assign traits individually or by groups (a cluster of associated traits). Assign Trait Groups by clicking Assign Traits.

Assign and unassign individual traits by clicking the checkbox next to the desired selection.

Certifications are assigned and unassigned with a checkbox selection as well. If it is required, you will also be asked to enter an expiration date.

Next is Account Info, Payroll Info (if using), and Photos. You can edit the user’s Portal Login, but will have no access to their password. Their Payroll ID info is found here if your program is using claims. You may also upload headshots if needed.

The next section covers the user’s assignments. This section will cover all clients, all client programs, all client markets, and all client position types. Each of these lists will be broken down by client. Assign or unassign from any of these options by clicking the checkbox.

The next section allows you to optionally assign specific locations to the user. This will allow them to select from a short list of locations if the user is allowed to create staff-created ad-hoc events. Any locations that the user is already assigned to will be listed at the top of this section. You can unassign any location by selecting the checkbox and then clicking the garbage can icon.

To add new locations to the user’s profile, use the search box to find any location that has already been added to the system. You can search by Market, Location Name, Location Street Address, City, State, or Location Type. Then choose the appropriate location from the search results by selecting the checkbox(es). Once you have the location selected, click Add Selected. The new locations will now display in the User Locations list.

The final section on the profile page is Claim Type Rates. This section will only apply to sites that are using the payroll features. The Claim Type Rates allows for client and program specific rates to be associated to the user. Perhaps the staff user has a second language or certification that makes them especially valuable, you may wish to change their pay rate for a specific program or client without increasing the global rate to all staff. Enter the staff user’s specific rate in the field next to the claim type. Any changes here will override global, client, or program level rate settings.

Once you have edited any/all of the fields you want, click Save Staff Profile. All changes will now display on the Staff Profile for both management users and the staff user to see.

Client Staff Profile

From within the client site, go to the Staff tab on the navigation menu and clicking View.

You’re now looking at the Field Staff Index. This page will list all global staff. Find the user you wish to make changes to in the list. At the edge of the index, under the Columns button click the downward facing arrow and then click Edit.

This will open the individual’s Staff Profile page. The top section is for Personal Details. This includes the user’s name, address, DOB, and contact information. The fields highlighted in red are mandatory fields.

Following the personal details section will be the custom fields section. These will be fields that were configured only for your global site. If any of these fields are required, they will be similarly indicated. Otherwise, they are considered optional fields.

Next will be the Traits and Certifications sections. These may or may not be in use on your site. If they are not being used, you will not see these sections on the profiles. Traits and Certifications are created on the global level and assigned to staff users. You may be able to assign traits individually or by groups (a cluster of associated traits). Assign Trait Groups by clicking Assign Traits.

Assign and unassign individual traits by clicking the checkbox next to the desired selection.

Certifications are assigned and unassigned with a checkbox selection as well. If it is required, you will also be asked to enter an expiration date.

Next is Account Info, Payroll Info (if using), and Photos. You can edit the user’s Portal Login, but will have no access to their password. Their Payroll ID info is found here if your program is using claims. You may also upload headshots if needed.

The next section on the page is Assignments. Changes made to this section will apply only to the client level. You will be able to adjust Program, Market and Position assignments for this client. Assign or unassign from any of these options by clicking the checkbox.

Note: To unassign the user from the client altogether, please go to the Global Staff Index and edit the profile from there.

The next section allows you to optionally assign specific locations to the user. This will allow them to select from a short list of locations if the user is allowed to create staff-created ad-hoc events. Any locations that the user is already assigned to will be listed at the top of this section. You can unassign any location by selecting the checkbox and then clicking the garbage can icon.

To add new locations to the user’s profile, use the search box to find any location that has already been added to the system. You can search by Market, Location Name, Location Street Address, City, State, or Location Type. Then choose the appropriate location from the search results by selecting the checkbox(es). Once you have the location selected, click Add Selected. The new locations will now display in the User Locations list.

The final section on the profile page is Claim Type Rates. This section will only apply to sites that are using the payroll features. The Claim Type Rates allows for client and program specific rates to be associated to the user. Perhaps the staff user has a second language or certification that makes them especially valuable, you may wish to change their pay rate for a specific program or client without increasing the global rate to all staff. Enter the staff user’s specific rate in the field next to the claim type. Any changes here will override global, client, or program level rate settings.

Once you have edited any/all of the fields you want, click Save Staff Profile. All changes will now display on the Staff Profile for both management users and the staff user to see.

Staffing an Event

RSVP System

The RSVP system in MainEvent is an option that can be selected at the Client level in the Admin. Selecting Yes for this feature will allow invitations to be sent to staff users informing them that an event has been created and letting them choose whether or not they are able to take the shift.

To Opt into the RSVP setting

Login to MainEvent and navigate to the Admin tab. Click View.


From the Global Admin Menu, find the correct Client in the Clients Menu. Click Edit.

Use the Configuration Menu to select Staff Settings.

In the Field Staff Settings, there are two RSVP fields. At the top, Use RSVP Process will allow individual staff users the chance to reply to direct invitations to work shifts. Staff Users will not be staffed until they have replied to the invitation. To enable this, click the Yes/No field and select Yes.


The next section is Auto Send RSVP Requests. This setting will enable mass invitations. When a event is created, all qualified staff will be queued to receive an RSVP request, either as a single message or in a daily digest format. The format is selected by the management user who creates the event. This will be discussed more further into this document.


Once the correct settings have been adjusted, scroll to the bottom of the Field Staff Settings section. Click Save.

Using the RSVP System

To make use of the RSVP System, create an event as normal. In the Shifts section, there will be a field for RSVP Send Time. This is where management users can select to how and when to send the invitations for shifts. There are four options: Next Daily Digest, Don't Send, Now, and Custom Time. Next Daily Digest is the default setting and will send all available shift information to Staff Users in a single email. This is the preferred option as it will prevent users being overwhelmed with individual messages throughout the day. Don't Send allows Management Users to assign a Staff User directly to a shift with no invitations being sent to other Staff Users. Now will send an individual email to all eligible Staff Users when the event is created. This is a good option for last-minute scheduling when it is important to get information to Staff rather than waiting for the Daily Digest. Select the appropriate Send Time.


Create the Shift(s) as necessary for the event. Click Submit.


On the event Summary Page, in the Shift card, the number of Invitations will be visible.


Click on the Invitations button to see more detailed information. In the Invitation Details page, users can see which Staff Users were sent invitations, how many hours each staff user is assigned to for the week, how many sent, pending and rejected invitations there are, assign a specific user to the shift, and send additional requests.


Manually Staffing Shifts

Shifts can be manually assigned whether or not the RSVP system is being used. If the Client is using the RSVP system, Management Users can ensure that only the Staff User they wish to work the Shift receives the Shift Information by selecting Don't Send in the RSVP Send Time section discussed above. If the RSVP System is not activated on the Client, no Staff Users will receive Invitations.

To manually assign Staff User, create a event and Shift. Submit the event. From the event Summary Page, click Staff and select Edit Assignments.

The Staffing Assignment page will show a list of all eligible staff, the Staff User's distance from the event location, all shifts to be staffed for the event, event details and staffing costs.

To staff the event, select the desired Staff User and drag and drop their Name Card onto the Shift Card.

Selected Staff can be removed from the Shift by clicking Remove. To staff the event, click Save & Continue. This will reopen the event Summary Page. Scrolling down to the Shift Information will show that the event is in a Staffed Status.