Staff Profile Fields
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Staff Profile Fields

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Article summary

Staff Profile Fields allow you to have access to the information you need to know about your staff users. The fields appear on their staff profile page and with MainEvent, you can choose which fields are visible, required, optional, or hidden. Get to know your staff and have the information you need by curating your staff profile fields. You will also have the ability to further configure these fields by assigning them to user roles.

Global Staff Fields

Prior to adding staff, you will need to go through and select the fields that you want to have as required on the staff profile. The only fields that are universally required are First Name, Last Name, and Email Address. These fields are required on a system-wide basis. Other fields that are irrevocably in Active status are: Middle Name, Date of Birth, Primary Phone Number, Primary Address, Primary City, Primary State, Primary Zip, and Primary Country. Everything else can be made Active, Inactive, Required, or Not Required.

To begin this setup process, click Staff in the Global navigation menu and then select Profile Fields.

This will bring you to the Edit Staff Fields page. This page will show you all Standard Fields, basic identifying information fields.

Use the Active and Required Yes/No toggles to quickly adjust whether a field is required to be completed by staff users or whether the field is active at all.

To the left of the Field Name is an Edit button. Click Edit to enter the Details page for any individual field. The Details page will allow you to determine who can view and edit the field, whether the field is active, required, available during the staff registration process, available on the 2nd stage of staff registration, whether staff users can view, and if staff users can edit.

To make any changes, click the checkbox. Once the settings for the field are to your liking, click Submit.

In addition to the Standard Fields, the Edit Staff Fields page also has a second tab called Custom Fields. This section will list any fields that have been added by you to your MainEvent site. Fields can be reordered by dragging and dropping. They will also include an edit button as with the Standard fields tab. You will also have quick toggles for Active and Required columns.

This section also allows you to add any new fields you wish to see on the Staff Profile Page. To begin, click Add New Field.

Will open the Staff Profile Field Details page. Here you will enter the Name, select the Field Type, check the appropriate options (Active, Required, Visible for Registration, Visible for Registration 2nd Step, Staffing User Can View, Staffing User Can Edit, Alphabetically Sort Options). If you wish - and the field type is compatible - you may also wish to add a Min Length or Max Length. This will require staff to input responses of a minimum and/or maximum length. You are also able to enter Help Text, which can be useful to guide respondents to provide the correct information. Then you will select which User Roles can View and Edit the field itself. Once you have completed this page, click Submit or Submit & Add Another if you have multiple fields to add.

Once you have the fields created, you may wish to choose which user roles can view the fields and edit the fields. You may want to have the staff user be able to view certain fields but only allow admin level users to edit, for example. Or perhaps it is only HR users who are able to enter and edit user profiles. You can control who can see and edit what, by entering the Profile Field Matrix.

At the top right of the page, click Assignment Matrix.

This will bring you to the Profile Field Matrix page. Each profile field is listed down the left of the page. Along the top, each user role will display. In a grid, there will be a View and Edit checkbox for each field per user role. Check or uncheck the box to either allow or not allow all users assigned to each role the ability to View and/or Edit a profile field.

Make all selections, then click Save Field Assignments at the bottom of the page. These settings will then apply universally across the site.

Client Staff Fields

On the Client level, it is also possible to create and customize the application of Profile Fields. From the client level, all fields are custom fields, as the standard fields are applied globally. To navigate to the client-level Profile Fields, first click into the client site, click Staff, then select Profile Fields.

This will open the Staff Fields page. Here you will see the list of any previously created custom fields made for this client. This list will be empty if no fields have been specifically created for the client.

As with the Global page, you will be able to make fields required or not, active or not. If a field is marked as Required, you will not be able to inactivate the field until that setting has been flipped to No.

To create a new field, click Add New Field.

This will open the Staff Profile Field Details page. Here you will enter the Name, select the Field Type, check the appropriate options (Active, Required, Visible for Registration, Visible for Registration 2nd Step, Staffing User Can View, Staffing User Can Edit, Alphabetically Sort Options). If you wish - and the field type is compatible - you may also wish to add a Min Length or Max Length. This will require staff to input responses of a minimum and/or maximum length. You are also able to enter Help Text, which can be useful to guide respondents to provide the correct information. Then you will select which User Roles can View and Edit the field itself. Once you have completed this page, click Submit or Submit & Add Another if you have multiple fields to add.

Once you have the fields created, you can select which user roles can view the fields and edit the fields. You may want to have the staff user be able to view certain fields but only allow admin level users to edit, for example. Or perhaps it is only HR users who are able to enter and edit user profiles. You can control who can see and edit what, by entering the Profile Field Matrix.

At the top right of the page, click Assignment Matrix.

This will bring you to the Profile Field Matrix page. Each profile field is listed down the left of the page. Along the top, each user role will display. In a grid, there will be a View and Edit checkbox for each field per user role. Check or uncheck the box to either allow or not allow all users assigned to each role the ability to View and/or Edit a profile field.

Make all selections, then click Save Field Assignments at the bottom of the page. These settings will be applied across the client site.