Staff Profile Edit and Password
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Staff Profile Edit and Password

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Editing Your Profile

If you wish to view or update your personal profile, scroll down to the bottom of the page and find the banner labelled Your Profile.

Click Edit to enter the profile page. The profile page will contain your personal information (name, address, contact info, etc). Certain fields may be made editable to you, while others remain uneditable. These decisions are made at the admin level on a per program basis. Editable fields will be white, while uneditable fields will be greyed out.

Enter any changes into editable fields, then scroll to the bottom of the page and click Save.

Any changes will be reflected in your profile page in the staff app and also on the management portal for the admin team.

Changing Your Password

You may also wish to change your password from time to time for security. This function is also found beneath the Your Profile banner at the bottom of the page.

Clicking Change Password will open the Change Password modal. Begin by entering your old password. Then enter the new password you wish to use. You will have to enter the new password twice to confirm accuracy.

Once you have entered the required fields, click Change Password and the modal will close. Your password will be updated. Click Cancel to leave the modal without saving.