Staff Calendar
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Staff Calendar

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Article summary

The staff calendar provides a visual overview of all the different staffing positions each day and their current status of Staffed, Available, or Pending. Each shift is represented by an individual square on the calendar. You can jump to the event the shift belongs to by clicking on the name of the staff name/position.

Position Statuses

There are three different statuses that display on the calendar page.


Available positions represent events that have a staff position created, but no staff assigned yet. If a position is available status, the calendar will display the position name that's needed i.e. Brand Ambassador, Event Staff, Event Manager etc. Once the position is staffed, the calendar will update with the staff’s name (outlined below)


Staffed positions represent events that have a staff position created, and have been assigned to a staff user. The calendar will display the staff user’s name and what time they are scheduled to start their event.


Pending positions represent events that have a staff position created, and that have been offered to a staff member to work. The position will remain at pending status until the staff user accepts or denies the work request.


The staff calendar can be filtered based on Shift Status, Program, Event Type, and Markets. Simply select the filtering you would like and then click “apply” to update the calendar to only display shifts that match the filtering criteria.

Week View

The calendar displays all the shifts for an entire month by default. However, there is a week view option that can be toggled to that will display the shift for a single week. The week view will provide some additional detail of how long the shift is.