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Position Types

Position Types allow you to assign staff to specific shifts. This will allow users to see straight away what type of event or shift they will be working. Whether they’re coming in as a BA, Team Lead, or Shift Manager, creating Position Types for your site will allow you to set and manage what shift workers can submit recaps, photos, secondary claims, and view documents. In order to make use of staffing elements on MainEvent, at least one Position Type must be added and active on the client and program.

To begin adding Position Types, find the Staff section in the Client Admin Configuration menu and click Position Types.

This will direct you to the Staff section on the Global Admin page. Position Types is the first section under Staff. This section will list all previously added Position Types with information such as Name, Active (Yes/No), Secondary Claims (Yes/No), and Recap (Yes/No). To add a new Position Type, click Add Position Type.

This will open the Staff Position Details page. Start by naming the Position Type. Then select the active status (Yes/No). The active status will impact whether the Position Type can be assigned to other clients and if it can be assigned to events. If the Position Type is inactive at the client level, you will not be able to use it anywhere within the client site.

Next, you can select if the Position Type will allow users to Add Shift Photos, Add Photos on the Portal, Recap on Portal, Add Secondary Claims, Submit Secondary Claims for Others, and View Documents. Each of these fields is a separate Yes/No toggle.

Once you have made your selections, click Save. Your new Position Type will now be visible in the Position Types section.

If needed, you can edit any Position Type by clicking Edit.  This will bring you to the Staff Position Details page again.

Adding Position Types to Programs

Once a Position Type has been created on the client level, you can make it active on a per-program basis.  Since you're already in the client admin, let's start from there.  In the Configuration Sections menu, click and expand Clients, then select Programs.  If you want to save yourself a click, you can also scroll down the page until you find the Programs section.  

Now you're looking at a list of all the Programs on your client site.  Find the client you want to add the Position Types to and click Edit or click the Program Name.  

This will bring you to the Program Admin.  To find the Position Types, you have two options.  You can look under Staff in the Program Configuration menu and select Position Types or you can scroll to the bottom section of the page.  

Now you'll be looking at the Program Position Types section.  This will list all available Position Types, both active and inactive. 

To make a Position Type active, click the toggle to Yes.  Same process for making one inactive, just click it to No.

Once you have made all your needed changes, click Save at the top of the page.  

Staff Settings

The staff settings allow you to configure the ways in which your staff users will receive communications from and engage with the site.  These settings are configured from the Global level down to the Program level, allowing you a granular and program-based approach to how your staff use the site.  

So, let's start at the top and work our way down.  To begin configuring Staff settings, find the Staff section in the Global Admin Configuration menu and click Staff Settings.  

Now you're viewing the Field Staff Settings section of the Global Admin section.  This section will allow you to change settings that will apply to all field staff across the entire site regardless of client or program.  

The first field is the From Email.  This will allow you to enter the email that your staff will see as the sender email when they receive an email from the site.

The following field allows you to enter the name from whom the emails will appear to have been sent.  You can use a real person or just a position.  

The next field is a Yes/No toggle allowing you to allow Staff Registration.  If you would like new staff users register with the site, you would set this to Yes.  If you want to configure new staff user profiles yourself, set this to No.  

After that you have a toggle to determine what will happen to unapproved claims after the pay date.  Click the toggle to Yes to move the claims to Paid, stay at No (the default), to keep claims in Submitted status.

The RSVP Email Per Position toggle determines if a single email will be sent for each new position (shift) added to the system.  To find out more about the RSVP system, please see the Staffing section.  

The Event RSVP Default Setting drop down lets you decide which RSVP send time you want to have as the default when creating events.  The default is Next Daily Digest but your options are: Next Daily Digest, Don't Send, Now, and Custom Time.

RSVP Digest Days allows you to select which days of the week you would want to send out digest RSVP emails.  Digest emails are compilation emails listing all available shifts to staff users.  Choose the correct days (all 7 days, weekdays only, weekends only, Mon-Wed-Fri, etc) from the drop down.  

Next, you can select which time you want the system to send the digest emails.  The digest emails will send at the selected time on the selected days for clients that are using the RSVP feature.  

The Filter Staff by Clients toggle allows you to determine if you want staff to need to be assigned to a client before the staff user can be assigned to events on that client.  Select Yes if you want to keep staff restricted only to their assigned clients, No if you want staff users to be able to be assigned among all clients regardless of assignment.  

The final toggle determines whether staff users will select their own markets when they are registering for the site.  If you want to assign Staff to their markets internally, select No.  If you want Staff to be able to choose their own market when they are setting up their own account, set this toggle to Yes.  This toggle will only be relevant if you have also selected Yes for Staff Registration.

The final field on the Staff Settings section is Application Auto-Refresh Timer (Minutes).  This field will determine the length of time that staff users are able to go without refreshing their staff application before the system will automatically refresh for them (when they are next online).  Enter a time (in minutes) in the field to ensure that staff users are able to get updated shift and event information even if they forget to refresh their app.  

Once all your changes are made, click Save in the upper left of the page.

Now you're ready to head to the Client level of the Admin. To get there, head back up to the Configuration menu and click to expand Global, then select Clients.

From the list of Clients, click Edit or the client name you want to update.  

Once you're on the Client Admin, click Staff in the configuration menu and select Staff Settings.  

There are many more settings options to configure at the client level than we saw on the global page.  Any changes made here will impact only the staff users who work or are assigned to events on this particular client.  

The first field is a Yes/No toggle to determine if the client site will use the RSVP system.  If this is toggled to yes, the settings configured related to the RSVP messaging will be applied.  If no, the RSVP feature will not be usable for assigning staff to events.  

The next three fields are directly related to the RSVP system.  If you turned on the RSVP functionality, these fields are going to be important.  If you didn't, they won't be applicable.  

First toggle is a Yes/No toggle to automatically send RSVP Requests.  If you set this to Yes, every shift you add to an event will automatically send an email request to all eligible staff users to Accept/Reject the shift.  If you set this to No, you will need to either set up RSVP digests or manually send RSVP requests.  

After you've determined what happens when you send an invite, let's figure out what we want to happen when a staff user is not staffed to a shift they applied for.  The next Yes/No toggle will determine if the staff users who were not staffed to work the event receive a rejection email.  Set the toggle to Yes if you want to notify users that they have not been assigned to the shift, set the toggle to No if you don't want to send such a message.  

Now we can move on to non-RSVP settings.  The next item in the list is the Yes/No toggle Allow Claims.  Toggle this to Yes if you will be using MainEvent for your claims and payroll.  Setting the toggle to No will mean that staff users are not able to submit claims via the staff app.  

Filter Staff by Programs allows you to decide if you want staff who are not assigned to a specific program to be assigned to work events.  Toggle to Yes if you want staff who are unassigned to a program to be available to work, No if you want only staff assigned to be eligible.  

Filter Staff by Markets applies the same principle, but staff users must be assigned to the Market if this toggle is set to Yes.  

You can now determine if you also want to send a Rejection Email to those staff who have applied for the position but not been assigned.  If you keep this at No (the default), staff who apply will not receive any notice that they have not been staffed, only the user who is selected will be notified.  

The next toggle will determine if staff users are given the ability to submit claims.  This will have further settings that need adjustment within claims and position types later.

Filter Staff by Programs will enforce that staff users must be assigned to the program in order to be assigned to events within that program.  Filter Staff by Markets will enforce that a staff user must be assigned to a specific market to be staffed to work an event within that market.  Filter Staff by Position Types again determines if a staff user must be active and assigned to a position type before being made eligible to work a shift.  Toggle Yes if you want the position type assignments to determine eligibility, No if you want all staff to be eligible regardless of position type assignment. 

The Auto Staff After Confirmation toggle determines what happens after your staff users reply to an RSVP invite.  If you set the toggle to Yes, when a staff user confirms that they are available to work the shift, they will be automatically staffed to the event, on a first come, first served basis.  If you set the toggle to No, a list of available staff users will be compiled on the event summary and you will assign who works the shift manually.  

Setting Allow Visit Check-In will enable the check-in functionality on the staff application.  This will activate a button (labeled Check-In) on each shift card.  The staff user's time and location will be collected and stored on the shift itself and also on the check-in index on the Management system.  Set the toggle to No if you do not wish to make use of this feature.  

The final toggle in this section is Use Staff Override Rates.  This will only matter if you are using the claims functionality.  A staff over-ride rate allows a staff-user specific hourly rate to be entered, meaning that one staff user individually would be able to be singled out for a specified pay rate.  Toggle Yes to activate this option, No to deactivate.  

After you've made your changes, make sure to click Save at the top of the page.

So, we've set the Global and Client level settings, now we have to set up the Programs.  To get to the Program Admin, click and expand Clients in the Configuration Sections and select Programs

From the Programs menu, click Edit or the Program Name you want to change.  

Now that you're in the Program Admin, click Field Staff Settings under the Staff header in the Program Configuration Menu.  

The staff settings at this level stipulate if your program has age restrictions and will dictate how the locations features will function for the staff users on the program.  When staff are creating Ad-hoc Events (when applicable) or editing existing events (when applicable), they may be able to add/edit existing locations, add new locations, or select from an assigned list.  

The first section will determine if you're going to apply a minimum age requirement for staff.  For certain programs, staff may need to be a certain age in order to work, and you can save yourself time and issues by setting that minimum here.  Options are: No Restriction (default), 18+, 19+, or 21+.  

The first toggle in the Location Toggles section is Staff Can Create New Locations.  If set to Yes, field staff will be able to add new locations (venues) to the database.  If set to No, they must select from locations that have previously been created.  

Staff Can Pick From "My Locations" will allow staff users to have an assigned set of locations on their staff application that they choose from (the locations that display on that list must be assigned from the management portal).  The locations list will be found under the My Locations tab when they are selecting the location for an event.  

Staff Can Search Locations Database grants staff users permission to search the locations that exist within your MainEvent site.  This permission should always be enabled if Staff are going to be adding or editing events.  

Staff Can Search Nearby Locations Database will use the staff user's location to triangulate nearby locations for potential 'popup' events or guerilla events.  

The final option is Staff Can Pick From "My Territory" Locations.  This toggle, if enabled, will show users a list of locations that are specific to their assigned Territory.  The staff user would also need to be assigned to that market on the execution team slot.  

After you've completed your changes, click Save in the upper left corner of the page.

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