Sending a Message on ME
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Sending a Message on ME

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Article summary

MainEvent offers you the ability to send and receive messages within the system. Start to send messages as needed to Management and Staff Users with the click of a button.

Getting Started

You can start sending messages in MainEvent from anywhere in the site. From the navigation bar, click on the envelope icon.

This will pop up the Messages modal. From this interface, you’ll be able to view any messages you’ve received or sent. You’ll also see any System Messages that may have been delivered.

To view any messages you’ve received, click User Messages.

This will show the date and time the message was received, who sent the message as well as the subject. Click on the message to open it.

You can then click Back to Messages to return to your inbox or Delete if you wish to delete the message.

Any messages you’ve previously sent will be located in the Sent tab. This will list the time and date you sent the message, the recipient(s), the subject, when it was read, and whether the message was deleted or not.

Send a Message

Now that you know how to find a message, it might interest you how you could send one yourself. Begin this process by clicking the +Create Message button in the upper right of the modal.

This will open the Create Message modal. The first two fields will be labelled Management and Staff. From these two lists, you can select the name of any active users on the site. Select the checkbox next to the name of any user you wish to send a message to. Use the search feature to find someone specific.

Next up, enter the Message Subject. This is what users will see before opening the full message.

Finally, you can enter the actual message text.

Once you’ve confirmed the recipients, the subject and the message itself are correct, click Send.

The messages will now be visible in your Sent Messages folder and the recipients User Messages folder.

Finally, if you want to send messages as emails, you can also do that. In the upper right corner, click Actions and select Options.

This will open the Message Options modal. There’s a dropdown called Email Messages that allows you to choose Yes or No. The default will be set to No. If you wish to send your messages as emails, change this setting to Yes. Once you have selected your setting, click Save.