RSVP System
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RSVP System

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Article summary

The RSVP system on MainEvent allows you to send invitations to your field staff and lets them choose which shifts to apply for or reject.  Send invitations via the staff app or email to give your staff visibility on what’s available to work.  

Global Admin

To begin using the RSVP system, start in the global admin section.  Click Admin in the navigation menu and select View.

Once on the Global page, you can choose to scroll down to the Staff Settings section, or you may use the Global Configuration Menu to select Staff Settings under the Staff header.  

This will bring you to the Staff Settings section of the Global Admin.  Changes made in this section will apply universally across your MainEvent site (as opposed to on a per client basis).  The first field is for the email address from which users will receive all email messages via the system.  

Next, you’ll enter the name that the messages will appear to be sent by.  This could be a specific person, or a position.  

Now it’s decision time.  First, pay no attention to the Staffing Registrations Open and Claims automatically moved to paid toggle.  We need to focus on what comes next.  RSVP Email per Position if set to Yes will send an email to all eligible staff users whenever a position is created within the system.  

Next you’ll set up the Event RSVP Default Setting which will determine the first option that will display when you’re adding events. The default Default is Next Daily Digest but you can also select Dont Sent, Now, or Custom Time.

If you would rather your users receive a digest email (a compilation of all shifts they are eligible to apply to work), you can set that up in the section below.  First, select the day(s) you would like the digest to send.  You may select any or all days.  

Next, you will select the time you want to have the system send that email.  Use the time selector tool to change the time as needed.  

Once you have made all necessary adjustments, click Save to retain all your changes on the Global Admin page.  

Next, you’ll want to click Clients in the configuration menu.  This will bring you to the Client list on the Global Admin page.  

Click Edit or the client name you wish to make changes to.  

Once on the client admin page, you can again either scroll down to the Staff Settings section or you can click Staff Settings in the Configuration Menu.

In the Field Staff Settings section, the first field is Use RSVP Process.  Click this to Yes.  The default setting will be No.

Next, you need to decide if you would like to Auto-Send the RSVP Request to your staff users on the client level in a daily digest format.  Opting out of this setting will mean that staff will see the RSVP request on their portal, not in their inbox.  The default for this setting will be No. 

The next toggle is Enable Rejection Email.  Set to Yes to send an email to staff who apply but ultimately aren’t selected to work the shift.  Set to No if you do not wish to send this email.  The default for this setting is No.

And that’s it!  You’re ready to start sending out invites!

Using the RSVP System

To make use of the RSVP System, create an event as normal.  In the Shifts section, there will be a field for RSVP Send Time.  This is where management users can select how and when to send the invitations for shifts.  There are four options: Next Daily Digest, Don't Send, Now, and Custom Time.  Next Daily Digest is the default setting and will send all available shift information to Staff Users in a single email.  This is the preferred option as it will prevent users being overwhelmed with individual messages throughout the day.  Don't Send allows Management Users to assign a Staff User directly to a shift with no invitations being sent to other Staff Users.  Now will send an individual email to all eligible Staff Users when the event is created.  This is a good option for last-minute scheduling when it is important to get information to Staff rather than waiting for the Daily Digest.   Select the appropriate Send Time.  


Create the Shift(s) as necessary for the event. Click Save.

On the event Summary Page, in the Shift card, the number of Invitations will be visible.  

Click on the Invitations button to see more detailed information.  In the Invitation Details page, users can see which Staff Users were sent invitations, how many hours each staff user is assigned to for the week, how many sent, pending and rejected invitations there are, assign a specific user to the shift, and send additional requests.  


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