Resubmitting a Claim
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Resubmitting a Claim

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Article summary

If a claim that you have submitted is declined, it will be returned with the opportunity to edit and resubmit it. This allows small corrections to be made without having to submit an entirely new claim and will also maintain a full transcript of actions taken upon that claim for your own records.

Resubmitting a Returned Claim

When you log in to the Staff Portal, a header message will indicate to you whether you have any Declined Claims that require your attention. This message will indicate only the number of Declined Claims, not which claims have been returned to you nor the reason why.

To find the returned claims, scroll down to the Claims section of the Staff Portal. Each red band will indicate one pay period starting with the most recent and displayed in descending order. Each section can be expanded or minimized by clicking on it.


Pay periods with Declined Claims will be highlighted in brighter red and the banner will be labelled with the number of Declined Claims included within that section.

Claims in a Pending or Paid status will be recorded with a white claim card. Claims that are in a Declined status will have a red Edit & Resubmit button at the bottom right hand corner.

When a claim is returned, a Declined Comment will also be included on the claim card.

In order to make the required corrections to the Declined Claim, click Edit & Resubmit.

This will open the Edit Claims window.

From this window, you will be able to edit any fields within your claim submission. You will not be able to append any new secondary claims at this stage. If you need to submit a new secondary claim, you will have to create a new claim. Make the corrections to the existing claim as necessary, heeding the instructions in the Comments section from the claims card.

When the required changes have been made to the claim, click Submit Claims.

This will submit the claim back to your manager for approval. Once the claim has been approved by the management user, the claim status will be updated to Approved. The Declined Comments will remain on the claim card.