Public Event Lists
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Public Event Lists

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Article summary

Want to let people know where you’re going to be and when? How about making a list, a public list? MainEvent lets you set the terms of what people can see and when with a configurable interface. Add your own logo, create a landing page, choose your own domain if you want! Want to get started? Let’s do it.

Let’s go to the Admin!

As is so often the case, our journey begins in the Admin section of the site. Get the ball rolling by clicking Admin in the navigation menu and selecting View.

Now you’re looking at the Global Admin page, but you won’t be here for long. In the Configuration Menu on the left side of the page, click Clients under the Global header.

In the Client List, click Edit next to the Client name you want to set up your Event List for.

Again, look to the Configuration Menu and click Public Event Lists under the Events header. Don’t see it there? Ask your Account Manager to confirm that the feature has been enabled.

This will open up the Public Event Lists Index. Any previously created Public Event Lists will live here. The index page will function the same as your other index pages, allowing for quick search, filtering, column configuration, and export. To add a new Event List, click the Add New Public Event List button.

Now we can get down to business. You’re looking at the Add Public Event List page. So, let’s get to the thing we’ve been trying to do since page one. The first step is going to be adding the URL prefix. Use the prefix to name the program or the client that this specific event list is going to pertain to. The default domain for all Public Event Lists is so you may pick ‘clientsampling’ for your prefix, giving you a full URL of Here I’m going with ‘MEtrainingprogram’.

Next up, we need to give this Event List a title. This will display at the top of the page. You can choose to call it the same term that you selected for your prefix, or it can be something completely different.

Now you need to choose the logo you want to display on your Event List Page. Click Browse to open your machine’s file selector and click on the correct file. Please use either .jpg or .png file formats.

The next field is optional. If you have any instructions or directions you want to convey to users of the site, you can enter those here. This text field can be used as a description field as well, if you don’t have any instructions to convey.

Next is the Active Status toggle. Select Yes if you want the page to be active now. Toggle to No if you want to build the page configuration now but activate it another time.

Now we’re moving on to security. If you want a fully publicly accessible site, you can just skip right over this section. If you want to be able to restrict who can view your event list, let’s get that set up. For authentication, there are two options. You are able to use either one or both of these options to restrict user access to the site. Option one is a Password. Set a password that users ‘in the know’ can enter to gain entry to the site. Passwords are case sensitive and can use special characters and numbers.

The second option is Email Domain. If the event list is to be viewable only by users from a specific company or companies, you can enter the accepted email domains in a comma separated list here and the site will only allow people who enter email addresses with those domains enter.

Enabling both options will require users to enter the correct password AND an email from the accepted email domains.

The next field is the Optional Custom Domain. As the name implies, this field is not required, but if you have a specific domain that you want to use, you would add that here. If you’ve already purchased the domain, great, add it here then let your Account Manager know the details and we can get things connected. If you don’t own the domain, just tell us what you want and we’ll take care of all the details.

If you don’t want to go full ‘custom domain’, you can add a custom domain path instead. A path is the part of the URL found after the /. So here the custom path would be

If your program is also using the Public Request functionality, you can choose to link your request site with your event list here. Choose which request site(s) you want to assign from the list.

Now we get to start making some of the more fun decisions. Or at least something that people are going to see and engage with. You’ll now be looking at a set of three Yes/No toggles. The first, Show Event Map, will display the event locations as pins on a map. If clicked, specified event details (we’ll get to this) will display.

The second toggle, Show Event Calendar, will display the events on a calendar format. Again, clicking on an entry will display specified event details.

The third toggle, Show Event List, will display the events in a Calendar List (chronologically by date in a scrollable list).

You can select any or all of these options. Want to have a calendar and a map but no list? Here’s your configuration.

Now that you’ve chosen what widgets you want to display, you need to choose the settings for them. The settings sections will display based on which options you activated in the section above, so if you didn’t activate the calendar, you won’t have a settings section for it.

Map Settings

So, let’s start with the Map. The first thing you’re going to want to do is name your map. It can be whatever you want, something fun and zippy or something descriptive. We’re going to go with the groundbreaking “Event List Map” for this example.

Then you’re going to enter any help or description that you have for the map. You can explain the details of the campaign, or any limits you’re putting on the map (we’ll get to this in a second), whatever notes you need to pass on to your map-viewer should go here.

Now we get down to the finer details of what events you want to display on your map. You will have to set up two separate parameters here. How far in advance you want the events to start displaying and how long into the past you wish to have them display. The first date field is Earliest Displayed Map Events. This is for past events. You can select: Earliest Event (oldest event in the system), Start of Current Year, Start of Current Month, 3 Months Ago, 2 Months Ago, 1 Month Ago, 3 Weeks Ago, 2 Weeks Ago, 1 Week Ago, Specific Date. If you choose Specific Date, you will also have to choose the specified date from a date picker calendar.

Finally, you need to select the Latest Displayed Map Event, your future events. You need to decide how far in advance you want people to be made aware of your events. Your options are: Latest Event (event furthest in the future in the system), End of Current Year, End of Current Month, 1 Week from Now, 2 Weeks from Now, 3 Weeks from Now, Next Month, 2 Months from Now, 3 Months from Now, 6 Months from Now, 12 Months from Now, Specific Date. If you choose Specific Date, you will also have to select that date from a calendar date picker.

Calendar Settings

The Calendar Settings will display next (if you selected Calendar). The first field is Calendar Section Title (aka Name). This name will only be applied to the Calendar. Next is the Calendar Section Help Text. This will allow you to enter any description or help text related to the calendar section.

Now we get to move on to the actual calendar settings. First thing is getting to figure out how you want to color the calendar entries, by Event Status or by Asset/Tour. Event status will mean that events of the same status (scheduled, staffed, recapped, etc) will show as the same color, with a specific color per status.

For the dates that your calendar will pull, you will have to set up two separate parameters. How far in advance you want the events to start displaying and how long into the past you wish to have them display. The first date field is Earliest Displayed Calendar Events. This is for past events. You can select: Earliest Event (oldest event in the system), Start of Current Year, Start of Current Month, 3 Months Ago, 2 Months Ago, 1 Month Ago, 3 Weeks Ago, 2 Weeks Ago, 1 Week Ago,Today, or Specific Date. If you choose Specific Date, you will also have to choose the specified date from a date picker calendar.

Finally, you need to select the Latest Displayed Calendar Event, your future events. You need to decide how far in advance you want people to be made aware of your events. Your options are: Latest Event (event furthest in the future in the system), End of Current Year, End of Current Month, 1 Week from Now, 2 Weeks from Now, 3 Weeks from Now, Next Month, 2 Months from Now, 3 Months from Now, 6 Months from Now, 12 Months from Now, Specific Date. If you choose Specific Date, you will also have to select that date from a calendar date picker.

Event List

The Event List Settings will display last (if you selected Event List). The first field here will be Event List Title, which is a fancy way of saying name. This name will only apply to the Event List. Next you can enter the Event List Help Text. Any help or description you want to offer visitors to your site about your Event List can be entered here. It will display below the Title.

Now the easy bits are out of the way, it’s time to get a little more specific. Next up is a Yes/No select called Load Events for Markets with this Asset Assignment. This means that the Event List will pull events for all markets that the asset is actively assigned to. The list of active market assignments can be found on the asset summary page.

The next field is a toggle that allows you to Prefilter the Event List. If you DO NOT want to filter which events get pulled into the list, keep this toggled to No (the default). If you would like to filter which events display on your list click Yes. The pre-filters that you can select from are: City, State, Zip/Postal Code, Program, Market, Event Status, Event Type, Event Category, Venue (Location) Type, Asset/Tour.

From the prefilter selections, you can then narrow down which options you would like to have display on your Event List.

The next toggle is titled Earliest Displayed Event List Event. This is for past events. You can select: Earliest Event (oldest event in the system), Start of Current Year, Start of Current Month, 3 Months Ago, 2 Months Ago, 1 Month Ago, 3 Weeks Ago, 2 Weeks Ago, 1 Week Ago, or Specific Date. If you choose Specific Date, you will also have to choose the specified date from a date picker calendar.

Next we go in the other direction with Latest Displayed Event List Event, choosing how far into the future we want to display events. Your options are: Latest Event (event furthest in the future in the system), End of Current Year, End of Current Month, 1 Week from Now, 2 Weeks from Now, 3 Weeks from Now, Next Month, 2 Months from Now, 3 Months from Now, 6 Months from Now, 12 Months from Now, Specific Date. If you choose Specific Date, you will also have to select that date from a calendar date picker.

Show User Filters is a Yes/No toggle to determine if you wish to allow viewers to filter the list. Select No to exclude filters. Select Yes to add filters. You may then select, via checkbox, which filters you want to have active. Filter options are: City, State, Zip, Event Status, Market, Program, Venue Type, Event Type, Event Category, Asset. If you choose to enable the filters, you will also need to name the filter section and you can opt to add optional help text as well.

The final section is Fields to Display in the Event List. This is a checklist that allows you to determine what datapoints you want to include on your Event List. Click the checkbox to select any of the options. Fields are: Event ID, Event Name, Status, Category, Program, Type, Recap Name, Assigned Asset, Date, Start Time, End Time, Venue ID, Venue Name, Address, Address Extended, City, State, Zip, Venue Type, Market, and any Event Custom Fields.

For any options that you select, you can also drag and drop the fields to reorder the list into the order you wish for them to display.

Once you have all sections and settings configured as you want them, click Save to create your event list site.

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