Pay Periods
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Pay Periods

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Article summary

If you have payroll enabled on your MainEvent site, you’ll need to configure your Pay Periods. This will make sure that your staff are paid on time.

Pay Periods are set on the Global level. It is not possible to have varied pay periods across different client sites. From the Global Admin page, click Pay Periods in the configuration menu on the left.

This will automatically bring you to the Pay Periods section on the admin page. The Pay Periods section will display any previously created pay periods on the site. The columns in the section are: Start Date, End Date, Approval Cutoff, Paydate, Locked, Claim Count.

The start date is the date that the claims will begin to accumulate for that pay period. The end date will be the final date that claims will be collected for that pay period. Approval Cutoff is the date that the claims must be approved by to be included for that pay period (this date may be after the end date). Paydate is the day that your staff users will receive their payment. Locked refers to whether the period is Open or Locked to additional claims. Locked means that no additional claims can be added to the period. Claim Count is the number of claims that have accumulated for that specific pay period.

To add a new pay period click + Pay Period in the upper right of the section.

This will open the Pay Period Details page. The first field will be Start Date. If you are adding to previously existing Pay Periods on the site, be sure to confirm when the last Pay Period ends so that you are not duplicating. Otherwise, add the date that you wish to begin running payroll on the site.

Next, you’ll enter the End Date. This part is up to your payroll. Pay weekly? You’ll want to have the End Date be one week after your Start Date. Pay bi-weekly? You’ll want the dates to reflect that. Monthly? You can do that too. Whatever your payroll schedule is, the system will follow your lead.

The next two sections -First Trigger Date, First Trigger Time, Second Trigger Date, and Second Trigger Time - will allow you to get a ‘first peak’ at the claims that have been submitted. These triggers will not complete the payment, they are also not required to complete the payroll period setup.

The lock date is the date after which no approved claims will be included in the payroll process. Anything approved for payment after the lock date will be included on the following pay date, so it is very important that those in charge of claims approval are aware of the lock dates.

Next, we come to the Third Trigger. This is the trigger that makes the difference. The third trigger will send the claims via integration off to the payroll company and get everyone paid. The time indicates the time that the claim files will be sent. The Pay Date is the day that your staff will receive their payments. The Locked status will change after the Lock Date and Lock Time have been passed.

Once you have completed the fields as you wish, click Save.

In order for your staff to submit claims, you will need to have current pay periods. It is recommended that you set up many into the future and perhaps set a reminder so they don’t expire!

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