Missed Reasons
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Missed Reasons

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Article summary

Things happen, events get missed. To be able to set your events into Missed status, you need to first set up Missed Reasons in the Admin.

Under the Events header, select Missed Reasons. This will automatically take you to this section. You can also scroll and look, but clicking is faster.

The missed reasons section will list any missed reasons that have already been added. To add a new reason click the green Add Missed Reason button in the upper right of the box.

This will open the Missed Reason Details page. Here’s where you’ll add the name of the missed reason and you can set it to Active or Inactive status.

Once you’ve made all needed adjustments, click Save. You’ll be returned to the Global Admin page where you will see the new Missed Reason in the list.

You can add additional Missed Reasons by following the above steps. Click Edit or the Missed Reason Name to make any changes to the name or active status of any Missed Reasons. Click Delete to remove the Missed Reason completely.

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