Merge Locations Tool
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Merge Locations Tool

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Merge Locations Tool

The Merge Locations Tool allows users to amalgamate two location profiles into one at the Global level. One location will have its profile removed completely from the system and all visits assigned to that deleted profile will be reassigned to the remaining location. Ideally, locations will not be merged with locations from a different Parent Program.

Using the Merge Locations Tool

Login and from the Global Dashboard, click Tools. Select Merge Locations.


This will open the Global Merge Locations Tool page. From this page, users will download the template that will be used to upload the new locations. Click Download Template. The template will automatically download and save to the device's default download folder. Click Continue.


Open the template. There will be two headers: KEEP location (Location ID) and DELETE location (Location ID). Each row must have values entered in both columns. Complete the template by selecting the Location IDs for all locations that will be kept and those that will be deleted. Note that any locations that will have their profiles removed from the portal must not have any location type or territory assignments that conflict with the location types or territory assignments assigned to the master location.


When all locations have been selected, save the template in UTF-8 Comma Separated Value (.csv) format.


Upload the template on the Upload Edited Template page. Click Choose File and select the appropriate file.


Click Conduct Test. This will test the uploaded template for errors. If the new location information matches all requirements the test will complete with no errors. When the test is completed successfully, click Complete Import to finalize the changes.


If any errors are present after running the test, the template will have to be edited and resubmitted until the test is successful. A template with errors present will not be permitted to be uploaded.

Once the upload is completed, the changes will be visible in the Location Index. The master locations will remain active and visible, the deleted locations be gone.