Manually staffing an event
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Manually staffing an event

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Article summary

Shifts can be manually assigned whether or not the RSVP system is being used. If the Client is using the RSVP system, Management Users can ensure that only the Staff User they wish to work the Shift receives the Shift Information by selecting Don't Send in the RSVP Send Time section discussed above. If the RSVP System is not activated on the Client, no Staff Users will receive Invitations. To learn about the RSVP system, click here

To manually assign field staff, create an event and shift as outlined above. From the Summary Page, click Staff and select Edit Assignments.

The Staffing Assignment page will show a list of all eligible staff, the Staff User's distance from the event location, all shifts to be staffed for the event, event details and staffing costs.

To staff the event, select the desired Staff User and drag and drop their Name Card onto the Shift Card.

Selected Staff can be removed from the Shift by clicking Remove. To staff the event, click Save & Continue. This will reopen the event Summary Page. Scrolling down to the Shift Information will show that the event is in a Staffed Status.

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