Location Types
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Location Types

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Article summary

Location Types allow you to differentiate between places, specifically types of places. Running sampling events at both bars and restaurants? Maybe even a sports venue or festival? Location Types allow you to add another layer of reporting and filtering to your data.

Adding Location Types

Location Types are created in the client admin. To find the Client Admin begin by click Admin  in the navigation menu and selecting View.

In the Global Configuration Menu, click to expand Global and select Clients.

From the Clients menu, either select the client name or click Edit.

In the client configuration menu, click to expand Locations and select Location Types.

This section will list all existing Location Types. Click Add Location Type.

This will bring you to the Edit Location Type page. We don’t ask much of you here, just enter the name of the Location Type you would like to add and decide if you would like it to be active or not. Once you’ve entered that, click Save.

Your new Location Type will now be visible in the list. To make any changes to the type, click Edit. If you wish to remove the Location Type before it is tied to any venues, click Delete.

Assigning a Location Type to a Client Location

Locations can be added from the Client level of the site. To begin adding client locations, click Locations in the client-level navigation menu and select Add Locations.

This will load the Add Location page. This page will look similar to that on the global level but will only include Location Variables and Custom Fields that have been activated on the client specifically.

In the first section, add the name of the location. This section also lets you assign a Parent Location Chain and Location Chain (if using). Parent Location Chains allows you to create nested chain entries so that subsidiary chains can be tied to their parent chain. These chains are added in the Admin section and instructions on how to apply them can be found in the Admin Instruction Manual.

The second section on page is the address information. Enter as much information as possible here, this information will be used to help your staff find the location, as well as in recaps and reporting. It may also help users differentiate between locations with similar or duplicate names.

Next, you will assign the Market and Location Type. These settings are client-specific.

Finally, you will see checkboxes for Location Variables. Location Variables allow you to customize the recap definitions viewed by users if their location meets specific criteria. For example, say you’re running a program at hardware stores. If the hardware store has a garden centre, you have additional questions to ask. If the location doesn’t have a garden centre, those questions are not needed. So, you assign a location variable to the location with a garden centre and the recap definition assigned to those events, and only users working at the store with a garden centre will receive those questions.

To assign a location variable to your location, click on the checkbox. To unassign, click it again. Only Location Variables made active in the client admin will be visible here.

The final section will list any active Location Custom Fields.This section will only exist if you have added location custom fields in the admin section of the site. These fields will collect information that you want to collect or display that is specific to your program. Find out more about adding Location Custom Fields by reading the Admin Manual.

Complete any custom fields necessary, then click Save.

The new Location Summary page will load. This page will display all the information that you just input about your new location. This page will also display all events that have been completed at the location or are scheduled for the future.