iCal Link from Profile
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iCal Link from Profile

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Article summary

MainEvent lets you embed events from your site into your calendar program of choice using the iCal Link Builder found on the management user profile. Want to know more? Let’s have a look.

Finding your Profile

On the right hand side of the screen you’ll see your name. Click your name, then select My Profile.

Finding a Management User’s Profile

Head to the Management User Index, from either your Global or Client page.

You can search or filter to get to the specific user you wish to view. Once you’ve found the user, use the dropdown arrow on the far right of the row to select Edit.

Building the Link

The process for building out the link will be the same for either your own profile or someone else’s. Scroll down the page to below the Assignments section to the iCal Calendar Link header.

The options available to use for the iCal link will be led by the current assignments of the user. Only currently assigned Clients, Programs and Markets will be available for selection. With that out of the way, use the Clients, Programs, and Markets dropdowns to select any (or all) assignments to include in the link.

The selections you make above will determine which events will be included in the calendar more broadly, all events from any selected Markets will display on your calendar feed. If you wanted to end here, you certainly can, just go to the Generate Link section of this document to find out how to pull it all together.

If you need something more specific, now you can add (totally optional) Custom Field Filters. Below the assignments fields, click Add Custom Field Filter.

This will open a new dropdown. Click on that to show any existing custom scheduling fields for the programs that you have selected.

If you’ve selected a field with response options, those options will also display.

After you’ve made all your selections, click Generate iCal Link.

Now you’re given two options. To grab your link, you can click Copy Feed URL. This will give you the link needed to embed in your chosen calendar program.

If you no longer wish to use the iCal link, click Deactivate.