Global Events
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Global Events

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Article summary

Global Events allow you to see all events across all clients on a single index. This permission and assignment regulated index page will only let your users see what they have access to generally, but will allow global admins to view everything in one place at one time.

Global Events Index

Find the Global Events Index on the Global Homepage. Click Events and select View Events.

You will now be looking at the Global Events Index. This index page will look the same as other index pages. To learn more about the functionality of the index page, read on, your questions will be answered in the next section.

The Global Events Index will include the following columns: Events ID, Events Name, Events Date, Events Start Time, Events End Time, Recap Name, Requester Name, Program Name, Client, Location Name, Location ID, Location City, Location State/Province, Event Days, Assigned Assets, Number of Shifts, Open Shifts, Claim Status, Shift Status, Visit, Category, Location Retail ID, Location Address 1, Location Address 2, Location Zip, Location Phone, Location Type, Month, Events Status, Created At, Created By, Market, LAT, and LON.

Index Page Functionality

Quick Search

Quick Search allows users to filter down the results showing on the index page without having to add filters. To complete a Quick Search, enter an identifier in the search bar (ie. ID number, Name, Date, Address, Territory, etc.).

Entering a search term will narrow the results displaying on the index page considerably.

To clear the search term, click the x at the end of the search bar.

Adding Filters

Filters can be created using more complicated or specific search criteria. Filters can be applied for a single use, saved for repeated use, and shared across management users on the project.

To create a new filter, click the chevron button next to the search bar. Click Create New.

This will open the Filters section. First, select the column that the filter should apply to from the Select Column dropdown menu.

Next, apply a qualifier to the column. A qualifier can be: Is Exactly, Contains, Starts With, Ends With, Is Blank, Is Not Blank.

Finally, enter the filter information. Either the name, number, etc that the column filter and qualifier will be comparing against.

At this point, the filter can be applied to the index results. If this filter is going to be used only once, click Apply.

If the filter is going to be used multiple times, there is the option to save it. Enter a Name for the filter in the field at the bottom lefthand side of the filter section. Then click, Save & Apply.

Once the filter is applied, it will be listed above the Index Page results. From there it can be cleared.

Saved Filters can be used by clicking on the chevron button and selecting the filter name from the dropdown menu.

Managing & Sharing Filters

Saved Filters can be found by clicking Filters.

This will open the Filter Manager window. There are two tabs in the Filter Manager: My Filters and Available Filters. The My Filters tab will list all of the individually saved filters that were created by the user. It will list the Filter Name, the private setting (yes or no), and a delete icon.

Changing the Private setting on a Filter will allow it to be shared to all management users with permission to view the project. Filters created by other users across the project that have been set to share will be available to download.


Click Get It to migrate the available filter to the My Filters tab.


Add/Remove Columns

Index Pages on MainEvent are customizable per user. Each user can select and deselect which columns are shown when the page is opened. Click Columns on the right side of the screen.


This will open a menu of all columns that can be used in the Index Page. Those with a blue checkbox are already in use, those with a blank box are not. To select or deselect a column, click on the checkbox. Click Columns again to close the menu.

Newly added columns will be visible on the Index Page. Deselected columns will no longer be present on the Index Page.

Reordering Columns

All columns can be reordered as needed on a per user basis. The order selected will be the default for the page until the user makes additional changes.

To rearrange the columns, click Columns.


This will open the Columns menu. The order that the columns are listed on this menu is the order that they will appear on the Index Page.

To rearrange this order, click on the arrows beside the Column Name and drag it to the preferred location in the list. This will automatically update the order of the columns on the Index Page.

Export to Excel

All Index Pages can be exported in Excel format. Once all filters have been applied, the appropriate columns selected/deselected and ordered as desired, click Export.


This will begin the export.


The exported file will be saved to the default Downloads location. It can be opened using the device's default spreadsheet software. The file will contain the same content in the same order as the Index Page.

Controlling Permissions

Global Events may be a page that you wish to restrict access to. It’s important to note that users will only be able to view events that they would have permission to view, but if you wish to minimize the amount of access users in specific roles have on the global level, that is easily achievable on MainEvent.

Permissions are controlled in the Admin, under Role Permissions. Begin by clicking Admin and select Manage Roles.

This will load the Role Manager. Here you will see all the User Roles on the site.

This page will allow you to create new User Roles and Edit existing User Roles. To begin editing the permissions for a role, click Edit next to the role name.

You will now be looking at the Role Manager page for the role you have selected. Each role will have a page like this with customized permissions selected when the site was created. The permissions selected in this area will apply to all users assigned to the Role Type. For example, in this instance, every person assigned to the Manager Role will have the same permissions applied to them regardless of their client assignments. However, you can further control what users can and cannot see through their Client, Program, and Market assignments. We’ll talk about that shortly.

To find the Global Events Index in the Role Manager, click on the Global tab.

You can now see the Global Role Permission options, all with a checkbox alongside them. To enable a permission (to make it active) click the checkbox next to View Global Events Index. This box will not be checked by default.


Once the checkbox is checked, that’s it. The permission is set and everyone in that User Role will now be able to view the Global Events Index.

Individual Assignments

Role Permissions let you set things for a whole group of users universally across the whole site. Individual Assignments let you finesse things down to a personal level and ultimately decide what a user can and cannot access on the site.

As an example. You have a user, let’s call her Jane Doe (I’m feeling creative). Jane is a Manager for one of two clients you have active on your MainEvent site. You have another Manager (Sharon Dough) who works for the second client. The jobs of both Jane and Sharon are identical, they have to be able to create events, edit recap definitions, generate reports, and add staff users. You would assign both users to the Manager User Role. But wait! They work for different clients and cannot under any circumstance see what the other is doing. We’ve got you. You would assign Jane to Client 1 and Sharon to Client 2, ensuring that while they both have access to the same areas of the site, they only see their own client’s data. Let’s see how.

Begin by clicking Admin on the navigation menu, then select Manage Users.

This will open the Management User Index. Here you will see a list of all individual management portal users. Find the name of the user you want, click the Actions Button (small arrow button on the right side of the page), and select Edit.

You will be redirected to the Personal Details page for the user. Scroll down to the bottom of the page to find the Assignments section.

Each section has a dropdown list that will have cascading options that will be inhibited by the assignments added at the higher tiers. So, if you assign the user only to a single client, they will only be able to be assigned to Programs within that Client. The Markets dropdown will likewise adjust to only allow for assignments from that one client.

For example, here the user is assigned to 5 clients and has the option of being assigned to 16 programs.

When we change that and assign the user to 3 clients, they are only able to be assigned to 10 programs.

We can see the same pattern here, when the user is assigned to 3 clients, there are 11 markets to choose to assign them to.

When we bump that back up to 5 clients, there are 18 potential markets to be assigned to.

Using the checkboxes in the assignment section allows you control what Clients, Programs, and Markets you want each individual user to be able to view and access. These assignments will work in tandem with their role assignments to allow you to decide which users can access which aspects of the site.

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