Fixing a Rejected Recap
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Fixing a Rejected Recap

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Article summary

On occasion, you may receive a recap that was rejected by your manager. This could be from a mistake, a missed question, or even just them asking for more clarity on a response. Finding and fixing rejected recaps is easy, so let’s learn what you need to do.

Finding Rejected Recaps

It’s hard to fix something if you don’t know where to look. Lucky for you, you won’t need to go far to find what you’re looking for. When you log in to your portal, you’ll see a banner called Rejected Recap. Now, if you see a 0 next to the name, you’re in the clear. If there’s a number any bigger than 0, then you’ve got an edit to make.

Click the Rejected Recap banner to expand it. It will display the shift card as well as the Edit Recap button. Click Edit Recap.

Edit the Recap

Now that you’ve entered the rejected recap, you’ll see one difference from your standard recap editing experience. At the top of the recap forms, you’ll see the reason for the rejection.

The rejection reason should tell you directly what question to look at and what adjustments need to be made. Make those adjustments as you would edit or complete the recap normally. Then click Finish. 

The portal will now show 0 rejected recaps.