Filtering within a Widget
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Filtering within a Widget

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Article summary

Pie Chart

Filter Options: Venue Markets, Event Types, Recap Definitions, Programs, Date Range (full date), Date Range (month/year), Venue States, Integration Custom Fields, Scheduling Custom Fields, Recap Custom Fields, and Venue Custom Fields.

Depending on what selection you make here, your build options are going to vary. So let’s go through the list:

Venue Markets

Choose the markets you want to include in the widget from the select menu.

Event Types

Select all required Event Types from the list. This will determine what event types pull into any of the fields while also determining which Event Types will display for Event Type-specific Data Types.

Recap Definitions

Select from a list of active Recap Definitions.


Select from a list of active Programs on the client.

Date Range (full date)

Nothing needed.

Date Range (month and year)

Enter the default start and end date for the filter manually or with calendar dropdowns.

Venue States

Select the states (and provinces) from the menu. Choose as many (or as few) as you need for your widget.

Scheduling Fields

Choose any Scheduling Field from the list. If the field has a response, the event will be included in the chart data.

Recap Custom Fields

Select (a) Recap Field(s) from the dropdown. You can select one or many. If the recap field(s) have responses, the event will be included in the chart data.

Venue Custom Fields

Select a Venue Custom Field from the dropdown. If the venue used for the event has a response, the data from that event will be included in the chart.

If you’ve added one filter too many, or just decided that you want to go in a different direction, you can click Remove Filter to take out any of the filters from the list. Each added filter will have a Remove Filter button.

To remove a selected field from a filter, click Clear.

Custom Pie Chart

Per Piece

Start filtering by clicking Filters at the top of the editing section.

Then click Add Filter.

Now we’ll take a second to talk about the structure of filters. Filtering can be broken into two pieces, the filter and the clause. Think of it this way, with each additional filter you’re adding OR logic, meaning something could be this OR this. When you add a Clause to a filter, it’s adding AND logic, meaning both criteria need to be met to get a result. You can have a filter without a clause but you cannot have a clause without a filter.

So let’s see about starting out with just the filter. From the Type field, select one of the filter type options. They are: Specific Value, Another Field, Venue Type, Market, Event Types, Event Statuses, Programs, Venue Event Count, Date Range.

  • Specific Value
    • If your field has multiple options, this is where you would specify which value you wanted to pull into a specific portion of the chart.
    • You will assign a logic field of either ‘equals’ or ‘does not equal’ and then select the value you want.
  • Another Field
    • If you want to filter based on responses to another question, this would be the option you want to pick.
    • You’ll once again select the Field Category (Standard, Integration, or Venue Profile). For Standard and Venue fields, you’ll also assign Field Type, Field Logic (equals, does not equal) and then you’ll enter the Field ID Value.
  • Venue Type
    • Narrow results to specific venue type(s)
    • Select from list of venue types. Each venue type will need to be added individually.
  • Market
    • Narrow results to specific Market(s)
    • Select the market(s) from a list. Each market will need to be added individually.
  • Event Types
    • Narrow results to specific event type(s)
    • Apply Logic (Is Any Of, Is Not Any Of) then select event types from a list. Each event type will need to be added individually.
  • Event Statuses
    • Narrow results to specific event statuses
    • Select the statuses from a list. Each status will need to be added individually.
  • Programs
    • Narrow results to specific programs within the client site
    • Apply Logic (Is Any Of, Is Not Any Of) then select programs from a list. Each program will need to be added individually.
  • Venue Event Count
    • Narrow results to only include events where the venue meets set criteria
    • Apply Logic (Equals, Does Not Equal, Greater Than, Greater Than or Equal, Less Than, Less Than or Equal) then enter the integer value.
  • Date Range
    • Pull results only from within a specified time period
    • Select the Start and End Date from a calendar menu

Widget Overall

We’ve looked at filtering on the pie-piece level, but you can also apply filters to the entire widget. Save yourself the effort of applying filters piece by piece and just add them once here. At the top of the widget builder, click Widget Filters.

If you’ve already added piece-level filtering, this won’t be a big stretch for you, but if you haven’t, we’re going to go through all the steps so don’t worry about missing out on something. The next step is clicking Add Filter.  

This will open the Filter Builder. Your first step here is entering the Name of the filter. Then you need to select your Filter Type. For Filter Type, your options are: Venue Markets, Event Types, Recap Definitions, Programs, Date Range (full date), Date Range (Month and Year), Venue States, Integration Custom Fields, Scheduling Custom Fields, Recap Custom Fields, and Venue Custom Fields.

  • Venue Markets
    • Narrow your widget data to specific markets
    • Select the market(s) from the dropdown menu. Markets will need to be added individually. If none are selected, the dashboard will default to including all in the filter.
  • Event Types
    • Narrow your results to certain event types.
    • Select the event type(s) from the dropdown menu. Event types will need to be added individually. If none are selected, the dashboard will default to including all in the filter.
  • Recap Definitions
    • Pull data only from events with specific recap assignments
    • Select the recap(s) from the dropdown menu. Recap definitions will need to be added individually. If none are selected, the dashboard will default to including all in the filter.
  • Programs
    • Display data based on the event’s program assignment
    • Select the program(s) from the dropdown menu. Programs will need to be added individually. If none are selected, the dashboard will default to including all in the filter.
  • Date Range (full date)
    • Select a date range for dd/mm/yy
  • Date Range (Month and Year)
    • Select a date range for mm/yy
  • Venue States
    • Pull data based on the state the venue is in
    • Select the state(s) from the dropdown menu. States will need to be added individually. If none are selected, the dashboard will default to including all in the filter.
  • Integration Custom Fields
    • Use Integration Fields to determine what data is pulled into your chart
    • Select the field(s) from the dropdown menu. Fields will need to be added individually. If none are selected, the dashboard will default to including all in the filter.
  • Scheduling Custom Fields
    • Pull data based on Scheduling Fields on the event
    • Select the field(s) from the dropdown menu. Fields will need to be added individually. If none are selected, the dashboard will default to including all in the filter.
  • Recap Custom Fields
    • Use specific Recap Fields to determine what event’s pull into your chart
    • Select the field(s) from the dropdown menu. Fields will need to be added individually. If none are selected, the dashboard will default to including all in the filter.
  • Venue Custom Fields
    • Use responses from Venue Fields to populate the widget
    • Select the field(s) from the dropdown menu. Fields will need to be added individually. If none are selected, the dashboard will default to including all in the filter.

Build out additional filters as needed by repeating the above steps.

Custom Bar Chart

Bar by Bar

After you’ve configured the data series and set up the data, you get to decide if you need to filter that at all. Filtering at the bar-level is certainly not required and it’s worth giving thought to whether you need to filter at the bar, widget, or dashboard level before you go any further. If you’re going to be applying identical filtering to all your bars, hold tight and filter the widget as a whole (which we’ll get to shortly). But, if you need to differentiate between two otherwise identical bars, this is the place to do it.

To get started, you’ll want to click Filters up next to Format and Data.

Then click Add Filter.

Now we’ll take a second to talk about the structure of filters. Filtering can be broken into two pieces, the filter and the clause. Think of it this way, with each additional filter you’re adding OR logic, meaning something could be this OR this. When you add a Clause to a filter, it’s adding AND logic, meaning both criteria need to be met to get a result. You can have a filter without a clause but you cannot have a clause without a filter.

So let’s see about starting out with just the filter. From the Type field, select one of the filter type options. They are: Specific Value, Another Field, Venue Type, Market, Event Types, Event Statuses, Programs, Venue Event Count, Date Range.

  • Specific Value
    • If your field has multiple options, this is where you would specify which value you wanted to pull into a specific portion of the chart.
    • You will assign a logic field of either ‘equals’ or ‘does not equal’ and then select the value you want.
  • Another Field
    • If you want to filter based on responses to another question, this would be the option you want to pick.
    • You’ll once again select the Field Category (Standard, Integration, or Venue Profile). For Standard and Venue fields, you’ll also assign Field Type, Field Logic (equals, does not equal) and then you’ll enter the Field ID Value.
  • Venue Type
    • Narrow results to specific venue type(s)
    • Select from list of venue types. Each venue type will need to be added individually.
  • Market
    • Narrow results to specific Market(s)
    • Select the market(s) from a list. Each market will need to be added individually.
  • Event Types
    • Narrow results to specific event type(s)
    • Apply Logic (Is Any Of, Is Not Any Of) then select event types from a list. Each event type will need to be added individually.
  • Event Statuses
    • Narrow results to specific event statuses
    • Select the statuses from a list. Each status will need to be added individually.
  • Programs
    • Narrow results to specific programs within the client site
    • Apply Logic (Is Any Of, Is Not Any Of) then select programs from a list. Each program will need to be added individually.
  • Venue Event Count
    • Narrow results to only include events where the venue meets set criteria
    • Apply Logic (Equals, Does Not Equal, Greater Than, Greater Than or Equal, Less Than, Less Than or Equal) then enter the integer value.
  • Date Range
    • Pull results only from within a specified time period
    • Select the Start and End Date from a calendar menu

So, if our Recap Question is “Which giveaway items did you have on-site?”, we could use filtering to differentiate on our chart which item we have. Let’s say our options are Hats, Key Fobs, and Stickers, you might want to know how many times each item was available at an event. So let’s look at how we would built out that filter, shall we?

Under Type you’re going to select Specific Value. Then you pick Logic. Your options are: Equals, Does Not Equal, Greater Than, Greater Than or Equal, Less Than, Less Than or Equal, Is Blank, Is Not Blank, Is True, and Is False.

We’ll pick Equals.

The next field is Value. Here you enter the ID for the specific value. In our case, let’s say we’re picking Hats, the ID for that is 4281. So, that’s what we’re going to enter here.

Now, if we needed to, we could add a clause, which remember is a way to add AND logic, meaning additional criteria must be met for the data point to be included in the chart. To do that, we would click Add Clause.

The steps from here would be the same as building out the initial filter. As well, you could add additional filters by clicking Add Filter again and just repeating the steps. If you add an additional filter instead of a clause, this will apply OR logic which allows for broader options to get pulled into your chart, so just think about how you need your filters to work before you make your choice.

Widget Filters

We’ve looked at filtering on the bar-level, but you can also apply filters to the entire widget. Save yourself the effort of applying filters piece by piece and just add them once here. At the top of the widget builder, click Widget Filters.

If you’ve already added piece-level filtering, this won’t be a big stretch for you, but if you haven’t, we’re going to go through all the steps so don’t worry about missing out on something. The next step is clicking Add Filter.  

This will open the Filter Builder. Your first step here is entering the Name of the filter. Then you need to select your Filter Type. For Filter Type, your options are: Venue Markets, Event Types, Recap Definitions, Programs, Date Range (full date), Date Range (Month and Year), Venue States, Integration Custom Fields, Scheduling Custom Fields, Recap Custom Fields, and Venue Custom Fields.

  • Venue Markets
    • Narrow your widget data to specific markets
    • Select the market(s) from the dropdown menu. Markets will need to be added individually. If none are selected, the dashboard will default to including all in the filter.
  • Event Types
    • Narrow your results to certain event types.
    • Select the event type(s) from the dropdown menu. Event types will need to be added individually. If none are selected, the dashboard will default to including all in the filter.
  • Recap Definitions
    • Pull data only from events with specific recap assignments
    • Select the recap(s) from the dropdown menu. Recap definitions will need to be added individually. If none are selected, the dashboard will default to including all in the filter.
  • Programs
    • Display data based on the event’s program assignment
    • Select the program(s) from the dropdown menu. Programs will need to be added individually. If none are selected, the dashboard will default to including all in the filter.
  • Date Range (full date)
    • Select a date range for dd/mm/yy
  • Date Range (Month and Year)
    • Select a date range for mm/yy
  • Venue States
    • Pull data based on the state the venue is in
    • Select the state(s) from the dropdown menu. States will need to be added individually. If none are selected, the dashboard will default to including all in the filter.
  • Integration Custom Fields
    • Use Integration Fields to determine what data is pulled into your chart
    • Select the field(s) from the dropdown menu. Fields will need to be added individually. If none are selected, the dashboard will default to including all in the filter.
  • Scheduling Custom Fields
    • Pull data based on Scheduling Fields on the event
    • Select the field(s) from the dropdown menu. Fields will need to be added individually. If none are selected, the default will include all in the filter.
  • Recap Custom Fields
    • Use specific Recap Fields to determine what event’s pull into your chart
    • Select the field(s) from the dropdown menu. Fields will need to be added individually. If none are selected, the default will include all in the filter.
  • Venue Custom Fields
    • Use responses from Venue Fields to populate the widget
    • Select the field(s) from the dropdown menu. Fields will need to be added individually. If none are selected, the default will include all in the filter.

Build out additional filters as needed by repeating the above steps.