Field Staff User Guide - payroll
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Field Staff User Guide - payroll

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MainEvent User Guide:

Field Staff

Welcome to MainEvent!

As you begin your journey with us, we want you to know that we’re here to help and support you. Getting to know any new platform can be daunting, but before you know it, you’re going to know this application like the back of your hand!

This guide was designed to help you on your way, outlining the major aspects of your MainEvent staff application. From logging in and updating your password, to submitting claims and recaps, we’ve got you covered. If you’re looking for more, all help materials are available online in our help center

Ready to get started? Let’s go.

Logging in

Home Screen


Submitting Recaps

Rejected Recaps

Finding Rejected Recaps

Submitting Claims

Primary Claims

Submitting Secondary Claims

Amount-Based Claims

Distance-Based Claims

Time-Based Claims

Resubmitting a Returned Claim

Withdrawing a Claim

Your Profile

iCal Link

Dark Mode

Offline Use

Downloading the App

Data load

Minimal Data

Medium Data

All Data

Offline Use

Downloading the app

Adhoc Events

Logging in

Access the MainEvent Staff Portal by navigating to

The Portal can be accessed using any web browser.

Enter your username and password and click Log In.

Home Screen

The portal loads all the information you need for the day ahead. You’ll also see if there are recaps that need to be submitted or declined claims.

Clicking on any of the banners will expand the sections and allow you to see upcoming and previous work history.

Each shift card contains all the pertinent details for the shift you are scheduled to work, including event details, start and end time, and recap name. Click Details for an expanded view of the event, including all shift information, event times and dates and a map of the location. Events in the future may not include a Recap button depending on the recap definition settings selected by management.

Click the address in either view to open your default navigation system for directions to your shift.


The Calendar feature allows you to see when you work and select available days.

The Calendar is at the top of the app, above the current day’s position(s) and below any notifications.

Click on the banner to expand the calendar.

You’ll see the location of any shift you’ve already been assigned to as well as any days you've previously marked as unavailable. Click on an event venue to see the details about your shift including start and end time, location address, and event description.

To add an ‘Unavailable’ date, click on the day in the calendar. A popup will display asking if you are available to work that day. Click No.

The date will now display as Unavailable on the calendar.

Submitting Recaps

Click the Recap button to load the recap modal.

The recap modal will always display the event information in the upper left of the page. There is also a download button that allows you to download a blank hardcopy of the recap if needed.

For multi-page recaps, navigation buttons allow you to switch between pages or select a specific page from a dropdown.

As you move through the recap, different questions will require different types of answers. If a question is an integer question, you will only be able to respond with numbers. Select and multiselect questions will tell you how many responses are expected from you. If a question is required, you will not be permitted to submit your response without an answer. Some questions may contain help text, which will be located beneath the response field.

When you are finished with your recap, you have options. If you are ready to submit the recap, click Finish.

If you want to come back and make changes, you can select Save and Exit. To access the recap again, go to the shift card and click Continue Recap.

If you want to just walk away from everything you’ve entered, click Exit Without Saving. This will clear all changes that you have made to the recap in that session. A confirmation window will display before you exit.

Rejected Recaps

On occasion, you may receive a recap that was rejected by your manager. This could be from a mistake, a missed question, or even just them asking for more clarity on a response.

Finding Rejected Recaps

When you log in to your portal, you’ll see a banner called Rejected Recap. If you see a 0 next to the name, you’re in the clear. If there’s a number any bigger than 0, then you’ve got an edit to make.

Click the Rejected Recap banner to display the shift card as well as the Edit Recap button. Click Edit Recap.

When viewing a rejected recap, the reason for the rejection will display at the top of the form.

The rejection reason should tell you directly what question to look at and what adjustments need to be made. Make those adjustments as you would edit or complete the recap normally. Click Finish. 

The portal will now show 0 rejected recaps.

Submitting Claims

Primary Claims

A primary claim is the first claim submitted and will be for hours worked. To begin the claims submission process, look in either your Previous Shifts or Today’s Shifts sections and locate the shift that you need to submit a claim for. Click Submit Claims.

This will open the Edit Claims window which contains shift information like Event Name, Staff Name, Event Date, Shift Time, Position Type, Location and Address. Verifying against this information ensures that all claims are brought against the correct shift.

The next step is to enter the Actual Shift Date which allows changes in schedule not changed at the event level to reflect accurate information for claims. The default is to display the date the shift was scheduled for, however, users can click on the field to open a calendar and select the correct date.

Next, select the Claim Type from the drop-down menu. In this section, as the user is claiming their hours, their selection will be Hourly Wages. Select the correct selection for your event wages from the dropdown on your application.

Below the Scheduled Start, Scheduled End and Scheduled Hours are listed for the shift. This is not the set time for the claim but is a guide as to what the person staffing the visit scheduled for this shift. You can make any necessary adjustments to your actual hours in the fields below. Claim Start, Claim End and Claim Hours are the times and amounts that will be sent for approval.

To enter Claim Start and Claim End times, users can use the arrow buttons to toggle per minute or enter the time manually.


In instances where the shift is long enough to warrant a meal break, click the box next to I Took a Meal Break.

Enter the Meal Break Start and Meal Break End times as Claim Start and Claim End times were entered. Times can be entered using the arrows to toggle or entered manually.

If breaks are unpaid, please ensure that the Meal Break Hours are deducted from the Claim Hours. This will mean that the Claim Start or Claim End time may not match up with the start or end of the shift but the Claim Hours will equal the number of hours worked. For example, if you take a 30-minute lunch break, you would deduct 30 minutes from the Claim End time to ensure you are claiming the correct number of hours for the shift.

If this is the only claim being made for the shift, click Submit Claims in the bottom left-hand corner of the window. This will send the claim to management for approval.

Submitting Secondary Claims

Secondary Claims (claims beyond your hourly claim) can be added to a shift at the same time as a Primary Claim or as necessary afterward. Only certain programs support secondary claim submission.

To add a Secondary Claim, click the New Claim bar below the Primary Claim information.

Then select the Category for the claim – Amount, Distance, Overtime or Time.

Amount-Based Claims

For amount-based claims, Claim Types may include Car Expense, Copy/Printing/Fax/Office Supplies, Employee Bonus, Gas, Meals While Traveling, Miscellaneous, Postage, Sampling Dollars, Sampling Supplies, Taxi/Public Transportation, Tolls/Parking and Wireless depending on what is enabled for your program.

After Claim Type, enter a Description for the claim, such as “Parking at Event” or “Tolls for bridge on the route”. Then enter the Amount for the Claim, the Vendor, and the Transaction Date.

Next, upload an image of the Receipt. Click Browse and select the file.

A preview image will be visible on the Claim Submission page.

If this is the final claim to be submitted, click Submit Claims. Additional claims can be added by clicking Add Another Claim. If necessary, the entire claim section can be cleared by clicking Reset.

Distance-Based Claims

To create a Distance-based claim, select Distance from the Category drop-down menu.

For a Distance-based claim, Claim Types can include Travel, Mileage/Kilometers, Mileage Adjustment, Mileage Rate Adjustment. These options will be set according to each Project’s permissions. Select the appropriate Claim Type.

Next, write a Description of the claim.

Enter the Distance Units. This is the number of miles/kilometers traveled.

If this is the final claim to be submitted, click Submit Claims. Additional claims can be added by clicking Add Another Claim. If necessary, the entire claim section can be removed by clicking Reset.

Time-Based Claims

To create a time-based claim, select Time from the Category drop-down menu.

For a time-based claim, Claim Types can include Admin Wages, Conference Call Wages, Setup, Overtime Wages, Training Wages and Travel Wages. Select the appropriate Claim Type.

Next, enter a Description for the claim being submitted.

Enter the Start and End times for the claim.

Entering the times may populate an exception limit warning. This is merely a notification that the amount of time entered is above the setting for automatic approvals and will not hinder the submission of a claim. Select Yes to submit the claim with the entered amount of time.

If this is the final claim to be submitted, click Submit Claims. Additional claims can be added by clicking Add Another Claim. If necessary, the entire claim section can be removed by clicking Reset.

Resubmitting a Returned Claim

When you log in to the Staff Portal, a header message will indicate to you whether you have any Declined Claims that require your attention. This message will indicate only the number of Declined Claims, not which claims have been returned to you nor the reason why.

To find the returned claims, scroll down to the Claims section of the Staff Portal. Each red band will indicate one pay period starting with the most recent and displayed in descending order. Each section can be expanded or minimized by clicking on it.

Pay periods with Declined Claims will be highlighted in brighter red and the banner will be labeled with the number of Declined Claims included within that section.

Claims in a Pending or Paid status will be recorded with a white claim card. Claims that are in a Declined status will have a red Edit & Resubmit button at the bottom right hand corner.

When a claim is returned, a Declined Comment will also be included on the claim card.

In order to make the required corrections to the Declined Claim, click Edit & Resubmit.

This will open the Edit Claims window.

From this window, you will be able to edit any fields within your claim submission. You will not be able to add new secondary claims. If you need to submit a new secondary claim, you will have to create a new claim. Make corrections to the existing claim as necessary, heeding the instructions in the Comments section from the claims card.

When the required changes have been made to the claim, click Submit Claims.

This will submit the claim back to your manager for approval. Once the claim has been approved by the management user, the claim status will be updated to Approved. The Declined Comments will remain on the claim card.

Withdrawing a Claim

Secondary claims in a Declined status can be withdrawn. Once withdrawn, a claim cannot be resubmitted. This is a permanent action. Claims that are eligible for withdrawal will have a white Withdraw button to the right of the Edit & Resubmit button. Click Withdraw.

This will open a confirmation window asking if you’re certain that you wish to withdraw the claim. This action will be permanent. Click Confirm.

Once the withdrawal is confirmed, the system will sync with the server and the claim will be changed into a Withdrawn status. No further action will be possible with this claim.

Your Profile

You are able to change your password on MainEvent on your profile page. To access your profile, scroll to the bottom of the portal and expand the Your Profile banner, then click Change Password.

This will open the password modal. Enter your current password, then new password twice. Click Change Password.

Certain fields within the profile are editable or configurable. To make changes to your profile, click Edit.

This will open your personal profile section. At the top, you’ll see Language, Allow SMS, and Allow Email drop downs that you will be able to select from.

Other fields may be editable depending on your site settings. Any editable fields will also display in this section. Once you’ve made your edits, click Save.

iCal Link

On the staff portal, scroll down to the Your Profile banner and click to expand. There is a section called Link Calendar.

Click Copy to Clipboard. This will copy the iCal link for you.

Then go to the calendar app of your choice and embed the new calendar following the instructions for a new calendar using a URL. This will vary by calendar program.

Once the calendar link has been added, your events will display on your personal calendar. The iCal link will follow the calendar program’s refresh schedule (ie. every 24 hours on Google Calendar, etc) so short term changes may not be reflected. Always check your current day schedule to confirm that the details have not changed.

Dark Mode

The MainEvent has two color themes, light (the default) and dark. To switch to the dark theme, scroll to the bottom of the portal and click Dark Theme. To switch back, click Light Theme.

Offline Use

The MainEvent Staff Portal can be used offline as well. Complete and submit or save recaps while a device is offline. The recap will submit when the device syncs with the server then next time you have a connection. Your profile cannot be edited while offline.

Downloading the App

The Staff Portal app can also be downloaded if you are using an Android device. The link to download will be available at the bottom of the login screen on your web browser.

Data load

Your MainEvent Staff Portal will always have access to your historic shift information, but you may find yourself not wanting to wait for all your old shifts to be load when you have work to do. That’s why you have three options for the amount of data you wish to display.

Minimal Data

This option will display the least amount of data and load the quickest. If your main concern is your current events and quick performance, this is the best option for you.

Minimal Data will show shifts and claims information from 3 days in the past and for 3 days into the future. Completed shifts with approved or locked recaps will not show.

Medium Data

This is the Goldilocks option. Neither too little nor too much data will load.

Medium Data will display shifts and claims from 14 days in the past and 30 days in the future. Completed shifts with approved or locked recaps and locked claims will not show. This option will be faster than All Data and slower than Minimal Data.

All Data

All Data is the buffet dinner of data options. Everything you could want, laid out in front of you.

All Data will display all shifts and claims information. This option will offer the slowest performance.

Downloading the app

The Staff Portal app can also be downloaded if you are using an Android. The link to download will be available at the bottom of the login screen on your web browser.

Adhoc Events

Field Staff may have the ability to create their own shifts using the Add Adhoc Event button in the Position’s Today section.

Scheduling is made easier with integrated geo-location. If geolocation is enabled on your device and you are on-site, just select your current location as the location. You’ll see your current location in the upper left corner under the Create Ad-Hoc Visit heading if this function is activated.

Use the drop down menus to select the Program, Event Type and Recap for the event. You must also assign a unique Visit Name. All fields are mandatory.

Completing those four fields will populate additional fields for Date, Start Time, End Time, Description and Position. All fields are mandatory except Description. Any scheduling fields added by the program will also display.

After completing these fields, you will be prompted to enter Location information. There are several options to assign a Location to an Ad-hoc Event, though they may not all be enabled for your program.

  • My Locations will populate a list of Locations that have already been assigned to you by your admin team.

  • Nearby uses the geo-location of your device to pinpoint your current location and find locations within a set distance from that point.

  • Search allows users to search by Address, ID, or Location Name and can be further limited by selecting the Nearby Only checkbox.

  • My Territory displays venues located within a user’s assigned market.

  • If none of these options provide the correct location information, select New and create a new Location in the system.

Clicking a Location will populate the Selected Location field below. This will include the Location Name and Address. You may need to assign a Location Type and Territory if the Location is new to the program.

Once all required fields are completed, click Save Ad-hoc Visit.

The new event will now be visible on your home screen.