Event Leads
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Event Leads

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Article summary

Once an event takes place, being able to view and analyze outcomes is huge! With the MainEvent leads module, you can combine event scheduling, recap, and leads data all in the same place. For an additional fee you can pull in lead data from a 3rd party to display lead results on the event summary page, dashboards, and within reports.

Admin Setup

Once the Leads Module is turned on by your MainEvent client contact, they can assist you in setting up the interface to accept leads from a 3rd party’s API.

Within the Client Admin section a new area will appear where you can manage your Lead custom fields. Click on Manage Lead Custom Fields to be taken to the leads question index.

The index page will allow you to create new fields.

As well as view/edit fields that have already been created.

Any Custom Lead field that is created will need to be the exact same spelling/syntax as the value being sent by the 3rd party’s API. You will also need to ensure that the leads are associated with the MainEvent Event ID so that leads can be tied back to specific events, markets, time periods, etc.

Once the questions are set up, you can navigate back to the Client Admin section to input the API credentials. First you will need to toggle Use Lead Fetching to Yes. Once toggled, some additional questions will appear below.

These fields will need to be populated with the API Token, URL, and the timeframe for how far back the API should look to take leads from.

You are now ready to start pulling leads into MainEvent!

Leads Reporting

Once the Leads Module has been set up in the admin section, you will have access to leads in several different areas of the site.

Event Summary Page

On the event summary page you will now see a leads interface that appears just below the Event Recap. Any leads associated with the event ID will appear there.

Leads Index

On your navigation bar a new Leads option will appear to select from. When clicked you will be redirected to an index page containing all leads imported into the system. There will be a column for any lead custom field and a row for each lead returned.


Leads can be used for analysis on a MainEvent Leads Dashboard for an additional fee, or within a custom report. Ask your MainEvent contact for more information on how to apply these in a way that best suits your needs.