Duplicate Programs
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Duplicate Programs

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Article summary

When creating a new program on MainEvent, sometimes the admin settings can feel a bit daunting. Especially when you’ve already set up a program that is identical. Solution! MainEvent’s Duplicate Programs functionality. Save time and effort and get to the exciting part of running the program, with Duplicate Programs. Want to know how? Let’s have a look.

The Admin

Dun dun dunnnnnnn. Now I know I made it sound like the admin was a thing of the past when setting up duplicate programs, but it’s more of a limited exposure situation rather than cold turkey quitting. So let us begin, as so many things begin, in the Client Admin.

Once you’re in the Client Admin, click Programs in the Configuration Sections menu or scroll down until you find the programs.

You need look no further than the Programs section to get started. Click Duplicate next to the program you want to copy.

This will load the Duplicate Program Options screen. Several toggles will allow you to pick and choose exactly which aspects of the program you wish to include in your new program All toggles will be defaulted to Yes (to be included) but click on any to switch them to No (not included). Options will be: Custom Fields, Event Types, Event Time Rules, Default Positions, Default Tasks, Program Settings, Staff Settings, Program Position Types, Files, Event Schedule Warning, Staff Assignments, User Assignments, Event Schedule Rule, and Program Claim Types.

Once done making your selections, click Save.

This will bring you to the program admin for your new program. If needed, you can make any edits to the program from here, such as renaming it. The default name for a duplicate program will be Program Name - Copy.

From here on out, treat the duplicate program as you would any other program and enjoy your reclaimed time.