Deleting Primary Claims
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Deleting Primary Claims

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Article summary

Deleting Claims is a role permission that we recommend granting to only a very few people in your organization. It’s pretty much the only action on this system that grants one user the ability to remove another user’s submitted claims and could result in someone not getting paid. With all that preamble, if you can’t see anywhere to delete primary claims, it’s very possible that you are not that one person, and that’s likely fine. If you need to have this permission enabled, please speak with your program admin team.

Finding the Claims

Claims will be visible on all the normal pages (T&E Approval Index, Claims Index, Staff Profile, and Event Summary) but they are only able to be deleted from the claims section of the event summary. So you can view the claims and get to the claims, any way you want to, but you’ll need to click onto the Event Summary in order to actually perform the action. So we’re going to start at the Event Summary.

The default view will show you the shift information for the staff. Click the Claims tab next to it.

Now you’ll see claim cards for each of the claims submitted against the event. The primary claim will be at the top. The delete button will be in the upper right corner. Click the Trash button to start the process.

A pop up message will display to confirm that you want to delete the claim.

When you click OK, the Event Summary will refresh and the claim will be gone.