Dashboard Portfolio
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Dashboard Portfolio

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Article summary

Options abound with MainEvent’s Configurable Dashboard. Figuring out what you can do can be overwhelming so let’s have a look at some of the options together. You can always put your own stamp on it, but you don’t need to start from scratch every time. Let’s have a look at some options when creating a dashboard.

Use Stat Billboards to Highlight Specific Data Points

Sign in and see the data points that matter most immediately. Available data options are: Custom Field Sum, Multiple Custom Field Sum, Total Events, Total Asset Activities, Total Events with an Assigned Asset, Leads Field Sum, Multiple Custom Fields Sum by Product.

To learn about building out a stat billboard look here.

To learn about building out the standard dashboard with stat billboards, that info is here.

Use Stat Tables to Display In-Depth Data and Totals

Pull in specific data points related to events, staff, locations, products, or budgets. Configure your table cell by cell to display the comparisons that are important to your program goals.

Stat tables can be combined with formula fields to display totals and averages beyond just the data held in the system.

If you’re using integrations, you can also pull that data into the stat tables and apply it against either location or event data. Integrations can be used with: Claims, Events, Markets, Programs, Staffing or Locations.


Learn about building out a stat table here.

For more information about integrations and what data is supported, please speak with your account manager.

Chart Your Own Course (or Your Own Data)

Use Line, Pie, and Bar charts to visualize your progress and your data. Standard charts are quick and easy to set up, while custom charts allow you greater configurability with just a few more steps. Whether it’s just a few data points or a total program overview, recaps, event counts, statuses and more can be captured in charts.

Sampling Programs

Toggle Data to see the numbers

Pie charts for easy visualization of data. Hover over any data point for real numbers.

Donut charts are a thinner, less imposing, option for displaying any data types compatible with a pie chart.

Change the orientation of charts for clearer displays or just a new look.

Stacked bar charts with custom colors let your data shine, just the way you want it to.

Line charts allow for easy comparison of individual data points.

Click these links to learn about building out pie charts, bar charts, or line charts as well as the difference between the standard and configurable dashboard.

Display Reports on the Dashboard

The Report Table allows you to pull a report right to your dashboard. Simple reports work best, you don’t want to overwhelm people.

To learn about setting up a reports table, check here.

Putting It All Together

A single widget does not make a dashboard, so the important thing is not what one widget can do but how they can play together. Dashboards can be styled and configured to reflect not just the data you want but the branding as well. Standard dashboard settings make the decisions easy for you, picking colors and allowing the data to speak for itself. But if specific colors or schemes are required, we can do that too.

Example 1. 

Using custom colors and a combination of stats and charts, this dashboard allows users to view budgets, KPIs, giveaway rates, and quarterly information all in one place.

Example 2.

Again using stats and charts, a weekly rollup of recap data and event information is conveyed. Multi-colored stat tables create visual interest while default chart colors allow for a variety of data to display cohesively across multiple charts.

Example 3.

A standard dashboard option with a variety of stats and charts to display recap data, event counts and distribution by market and event type. The drag and drop builder makes configuration a snap.

Example 4.

Stat billboards and a variety of charts convey totals for the program as well as action items. A small stat table provides the needed arithmetic as well.

Example 5.

Bar charts enhance the data provided within a comprehensive stat table. Recap and event data as well as markets are leveraged to display needed data.

Example 6.

Another standard dashboard with stat billboards and a heat map indicating event locations. At a glance, users are able to see information created by summing custom fields as well as exactly where in the country their events are taking place. Sometimes a simple approach is the right one, allowing the data to speak clearly.

Example 7.

Use tables to define goals and objectives with a dash of data visualization from the stat billboard and pie chart for totals and calculations. Take a quick peek at the high-level and get into the weeds where you want to.

Additional Dashboard Features

It’s not just about the capabilities of the widgets, there are other aspects of the dashboard to consider when you’re building it out. Let’s look at a quick rundown of other features you can use when creating your ideal dashboards.


Apply filters at the dashboard level or to specific widgets. Filtering lets you see all your data or less as needed. Filters can be applied by the end user or you can add them as you build, ensuring that viewers only see what you want them to see.

Learn about applying filters to a configurable dashboard here.

User Roles

When creating configurable dashboards, you have the option of selecting which user roles can have access to the dashboard. Want an admins only dashboard? Easy as the click of a button (or at least the selection from a dropdown list).

Pick Your Own Default

While the standard dashboard is the initial default dashboard on any new MainEvent site, you have the chance to make any additional dashboard your default instead. While creating a configurable dash, change the “Client Default” field from No to Yes, simple as that.

Have One, Have Many

You start with one, but MainEvent’s dashboards have no limits. Make as many as you need using the Configurable Dashboard features. Create additional dashboards for various roles or data needs. Want a client facing option? Create a new dash for client users only and pull in only approved data and media for viewing.

Export the Whole Thing

Like what you see so much you want to take it with you? You can do that with the PDF export option directly on the dashboard.