Creating/Editing an Event
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Creating/Editing an Event

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Creating and Editing an Event

Management Users have the option of creating events manually (one at a time) or through a mass upload tool

Manually Adding an Event

From the navigation menu, click Event and select Add Event

Event Details

This will open the Event Details page. If event names are enabled on your program, you’ll be able to add an event name. 

Based on user permissions, you may be able to choose the Event Status. Your options will be Requested or Scheduled. If the setup of your program defaults to Requested or Scheduled, the status will be automatically assigned. Any scheduling field with more than one option will offer a quick search field at the top to help you find what you need more quickly. 

Choose the event category, if needed. If there is only one active Category on the Client, it will automatically be assigned. 

Then, select the Program for the event. If there is only one active Program on the Client, it will automatically be assigned to the event. 

Select the Event Type from the drop down menu. 

Select the Recap to assign to the event. This will be the recap that users complete at the end of their event. If there is only one active recap on the program, the system will automatically assign it to the event. 

If you have more than one recap for your program to complete per event, you can also assign Additional Recaps. This is an option user role permission that may be enabled if needed. 

Enter the optional Event Description if needed. The description will be visible on the Event Summary page as well as in the Event Details page on the Staff Portal. Some programs may not have the Event Description option available. 

Date & Time

Select the Date, Start Time and End Time. The Date field will default to today's date. Clicking on the field will populate a calendar to allow easy navigation to the appropriate date. 

The Start Time can be changed in the admin menu, but defaults to 9:00 am. Clicking the field opens a window with toggleable arrows to enter the correct time. The hour field arrows increase by increments of one hour, the minute field by increments of one minute. Clicking on either the hour or minute field will open a quick select window in one hour or five minute increments. 

End Time can be changed in the admin, but defaults to 5:00 pm. Clicking on the field will open a window with arrows for easy editing. The hour field arrows increase by increments of one hour, the minute field by increments of one minute. Clicking on either the hour or minute field times directly will open a quick select window in one hour or five minute increments. 


Multiple dates can be added. To add a second date to the Event, click Add Date

**Note, whether multiple dates are configured as a single event with a single recap over multiple days or multiple linked events with individual recaps will be determined by your site configuration. If you have questions about how your site handles multi-day events, reach out to your admin team. **

Repeat the Date and Time steps for as many dates as needed. To delete a date, click Remove


Assigning a Location is a mandatory step. There are two ways to add the Location, either Search Existing Locations or Add a New Location. Best practice is to search first to avoid duplicate entries in the system. The system defaults to the Search Existing Locations tab. 

To Search Existing Locations, enter any or all of the following information: Market, Location Name, Location Street Address, City, State/Province, Country, Location Type. Click Search

Search results will populate below the Search fields. 

Click the correct Location from the results to add it to the Event. 

If the correct Location does not appear in the Search Results, it may need to be added. Click Add New Venue at the top of the Location box. 

Complete the Location information to the fullest extent possible. Clear and complete information ensures future searches for the Location yield the proper results and decrease duplication across the site. Fields will include: Location Name, Market, Location Type, Street Address, City, State/Province, Zip. You may also find Venue Custom Fields at the bottom that can be specific to your site or client. 


The final step in creating an event is to set up the positions if you’re using the staffing functionality. Positions can be made to cover the entire event, or smaller segments of a longer event as necessary. Multiple positions can be created for each event to meet staffing needs of each program. 

To create a Position, first select the RSVP Send Time. This will determine when (or if) invitations for the shifts will be sent to eligible staff. The default send time is Next Daily Digest (or the option set by your admin team). This is a globally determined time that all pending shift invitations will be sent to Staff Users. This is the recommended choice as it sends all shift information in a single message and prevents Staff Users from missing messages if many positions are created in a single day. 

Other options include: 

  • Now 
    • Invitations will be sent immediately upon submitting the Event information to the server
  • Custom Time 
    • Management Users can select the time that they would like to send the invitations  
  • Don't Send 
    • No invitations will be sent and the shift can be staffed manually 

The RSVP Send Time will be applied to all positions added. 

Next, select the Position Type. This will vary by project but may include: Brand Ambassador, Team Lead, Market Manager, Setup, Driver, etc.  

Make the appropriate selection, click Add Position.

**Note, when selecting the Position Type, only Staff Users assigned to that Position Type will be eligible for staffing. If a Team Lead is going to be assigned to a Brand Ambassador shift, they must also be assigned to the program as a Brand Ambassador. **

This will create the Shift Card with the Shift Start Time, End Time, and Override Rate. 

The Override Rate will default to zero and is to be used for special circumstances only. This Override Rate will override all other rates set within the system and should not be used to reflect standard pay rates for Staff Users. 

The Start Time and End Time will default to the Start and End Times of the Event but can be changed as needed. Clicking on either field will open a toggleable clock window which allows for incremental and select options for choosing the time, as when the event time was entered. 


Click Save to create the Event. 

The Event Summary page will automatically load. From here, users can assign staff to shifts, view all recaps and claim submissions, access uploaded media, edit the details, lock claims, approve, unapprove, and lock recaps, cancel the event, set a missed reason (providing the date has passed and no recap has been submitted), get directions and upload documents.  Learn more about viewing events here

Editing an Event

Existing Events can be edited from the Event Summary Page after they have been created to allow for flexibility in scheduling.

From the Program Dashboard, click Events then select View Events.

This will open the Event Index Page which will list all of the Events scheduled for the client. This page can be filtered and searched in the same ways as all other index pages.. Select the correct Event and click on the blue Event Name.

This will navigate to the Event Summary page. On the top of the page, at the left hand side, click Edit.

Click Edit to reopen the Event Details page from when the event was created. At this point, most details of the event will be able to be changed as necessary. Multiple days cannot be added at this time. Multi-day events may only be added when creating a new event. Market, Category, Event Type, Recap, Event Description, Date and Time, and Location can all be edited. Make the necessary changes, then click Save.

This will reopen the Event Summary page. All edits made to the event will be visible here.

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