Contact Types
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Contact Types

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Article summary

If you’re using the Contacts section on the event summary page (See Event Settings Section) you can provide a drop down list of contact types to select from when adding contacts to an event. The drop down allows for consistent classification of contacts and the ability to pull that information into reports.

Add/Edit Contact Types

To add/edit the Contact Type options follow the steps below.

  1. Click on Admin in the navigation bar and got o View
  2. In the Global section click on the Clients option and then Edit the desired client.
  3. In the Events section go to Event Contacts.

You can then either edit the existing contacts or add new ones. To edit the existing options, click on Edit to the right of the option you would like to rename.

To add a new contact, click on Add Contact Type in the top right corner of the Event Categories section. You will then be able to enter in a contact type of your choosing.

Add Contacts to Events

Once Contact Types have been created in the admin section, you can then add them to events. On the Event Summary page there will be a Contacts section located below the Event Details area. Click on Add Contact to create a new contact from that event.

Once added, the contact will appear on the event summary page with the Contact Type, Name, Email, and phone number.