Client - Staff Assignment Tool
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Client - Staff Assignment Tool

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Article summary

The Client staff assignment tool can be used by administrators to quickly assign staff to programs, markets, and position types under a parent program (client block). This tool allows you to bypass having to manually edit each staff member, and instead provides an excel template that can be filled out and then uploaded to update multiple staff member’s parent program assignments at once.

In order to download the parent program staff assignment template and update the staff users you will need to follow the steps below.

Navigate to the template page

To start, you will want to click on the Global button on your navigation bar and then navigate to the desired Client. Once in the client site of choice, click on Tools and then Staff Assignments on the navigation bar.

Download the template

You will be brought to a page where you can download the template. Click Download Template and a pre-populated excel spreadsheet will start to download.

Fill out the template

Once the template has been downloaded, you can open it in excel and begin to update the staff’s assignments.

Each line represents a different staff user, what their staff id # is, as well as any program, markets, or position types that they are already assigned to (indicated with an “X” under the respective column). You can assign staff one or multiple programs, markets, and position types which in turn allows them to be staffed to events that fall under those programs, markets, position types. Place an “X” next to the staff name and under the desired client column for their profile to be updated.

Once you have assigned the staff to their respective program, markets, and positions, save the file. You will want to make sure it is saved as a .csv file in order to complete the next step.


To upload the template back into the system, navigate back to your internet browser and click continue. You will be brought to a page where you can choose the file you just updated and select it for upload.

Click Conduct Test for the system to check the file for errors. If there are any errors, such as duplicate names, misspelled names etc. the system will provide a warning.

Confirm upload

If there are no errors you click Complete Import and the staff client assignments will be officially updated.

You can repeat this process for each parent program as needed.