Client Admin - Asset Management Configuration
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Client Admin - Asset Management Configuration

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Article summary

The asset management configuration is used to set up and help manage all asset related questions within a client block. With the use of toggles and custom fields, you have the ability to customize the asset creation, editing, and requesting to your specific needs.

Access to Asset Management Configuration

To access the Asset Management Configuration section follow the steps below.

  1. Click on Admin in the navigation bar and then click on View.
  2. Use the navigation bar on the left side of the window and click on Clients and then click edit next to the client you would like to adjust the asset settings for.
  3. You should now see the Asset Configuration section appearing on the left side of the page.

Asset Declined Reasons

In the case that an asset is declined, you can provide a list of predetermined reasons for asset approver/rejectors to select from.

To create or edit a declined reason click on Asset Declined Reasons on the left side navigation bar, and then click on Add Asset Declined Reasons.

You will then be prompted to enter a declined reason.

Once created, whenever an asset request is declined, the approver will have a drop down list of decline reasons to choose from. You can deactivate or add as many new declined reasons as desired.

Asset Fields

Asset fields are used to create any additional custom questions that may be needed for an asset profile. You can add as many custom fields as you desire, and they will appear at the bottom of the add/edit asset page.

To add asset fields, click on Asset Fields on the left side navigation bar which will take you to an index page of all current asset questions.

To add a new question, click on Add New Field in the top right corner. On the next page you will be prompted to name the new question, and decide what type of response you want. You can then also make the question required or add in additional help text if needed. Once saved, the new asset fields will appear on the asset profile for all assets.

Asset Types

Asset types are used to group assets of a similar function (e.g. chairs, vehicles, footprint) into standardized categories. These categories are useful when pulling reports, as well as limiting some functionality based on the Asset Type Selected.

To add a new Asset Activity Type, click on the section in the navigation bar and then click on Add Asset Type.

On the Edit Asset Type form you will be able to select a name and if it is active or inactive.

The Allow users of any role to unassign Assets of this type from Activities can be used to determine which roles are able to unassign an asset from an activity.

The Include on Dashboard Asset Calendar? is used to toggle if an asset will appear on the asset calendar once assigned.

Asset Availability Conditions

Asset Availability Conditions are used to limit how many assets results appear when requesting an asset for an event. Asset conditions are first created and then assigned to assets. The system will then filter the assets to only display results that match the condition selected on the request form.

For example, we created a footprint asset condition with several footprint sizes to select from.

When requesting an event, the requestor can use the Availability conditions to limit the asset results to only the footprint sizes that apply to their event.

So in this case, if 5x5 was selected, only assets with a 5x5 footprint size would appear. You can add multiple Availability Conditions to a single asset and filter on multiple conditions if needed.

Asset Categories

Asset categories are used to create stacks of non-unique assets on the request page. For example, if you have 10 ottomans, rather than appearing as 10 separate asset tiles on the request form, they would instead be stacked in a single tile and allow you to select as many as required for the event. This is meant to free up page space and create a better requesting experience for users.

In the admin section you can create as many categories as desired.

Once the category is created, you can then assign as many assets to that category as needed. On the request assets page, all assets of the same category will be combined into a single tile with an option to select one or multiple assets from the category type.