Claim Locations Tool
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Claim Locations Tool

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Article summary

The Client Claim Locations Tool allows users to assign territory and location-type values to pre-existing global-level locations. This will offer users the ability to change the location settings to their needs without duplicating locations within the system. When creating a new Client or adding a new location, users should always check if the needed location already exists in the system. This tool will also allow the user to assign Custom Fields and Location Attributes used within the Client. Please note, this tool is not to be used to edit a location's global profile, that can be done using the Edit Locations Tool.

Using the Claim Locations Tool

Login to the Client Program Dashboard and navigate to the Tools menu. Click Claim Locations.

This will open the Claim Locations Tool page. From this page, users will download the template that will be used to upload the new locations. Click Download Template. The template will automatically download and save to the device's default download folder. Click Continue.

Open the template. Do not edit any of the values in the first eight columns (Location Name, Address 1, Address 2, City, State/Province, Postal Code, and Location ID). Do not delete any rows from the file, just making no changes to the row will mean that the Location will not be claimed.

For the Locations that need to be claimed, add a value to each Location's Territory and Location Type. Note, these values must exactly match the already existing values for the Client for the template to process. This tool can also be used to update the Territory, Location Type, Client Location Custom Fields or Location Attributes of an already claimed location.


Once all values needed are added or edited, save the template in UTF-8 Comma Separated Value (.csv) format. This will accommodate any special characters that may be present in the template.

Upload the template to the Upload Edited Template page. Click Choose File and select the appropriate file.


Click Conduct Test. This will test the uploaded template for errors. If the new location information matches all requirements the test will complete with no errors. When the test is completed successfully, click Complete Import.


Once the import is completed, the newly claimed or edited Locations will be visible in the Location Index with Territory and Location Type assigned.
