Claim Exceptions
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Claim Exceptions

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Article summary

Claim exceptions allow you to set limits on how large of a claim can be submitted without a warning to staff. They create limits on what you're willing to pay someone for a specific claim type without special scrutiny. Claims beyond the exception threshold are still able to be approved, but they are flagged for manual approval. Claims beyond the set exception rate cannot be auto-approved.

To find the claim exceptions, click Claim Exceptions in the Global Configuration menu.

This action will navigate you away from the admin page to the Global Claim Exception Details page. This page will include 5 claim exception sections. Those are: Single Distance-Based Units Limit, Single Time-Based Claims Minutes Limit, Total Daily Time-Based Minutes Limit, Single Time-Based Claim Rate Limit, and Single Amount-Based Claim Rate Limit.

Single Distance-Based Units Limit

This claim exception allows you to enter a maximum distance that users are allowed to claim against prior to triggering an exception warning. For example, if staff routinely travel 20mi, you may wish to set the limit at 25mi. This would mean that anyone submitting a claim for over 25 miles would automatically receive a prompt message informing them that they are over the limit. The claim would also require manual approval.

Set the claim exception amount by entering the mileage in the Single Distance-Based Units Limit field. The system will determine whether to apply miles or kilometers based on whether you selected imperial or metric measurements when setting up the site.

Next, you will enter your prompt message. This is the message that will display for staff users when they are submitting their claims.

Single Time-Based Claim Minutes Limit

This claim exception applies to the maximum length of time that you will allow a staff user to submit as a time-based claim without special scrutiny. If the standard shift is 8 hours, you may wish to set the exception at 9 hours, for example.

Set the claim exception amount by entering the number of minutes at which you wish the claim exception to trigger. For example, 9 hours is 540 minutes.

Next, you can enter the prompt message. This is the message that will display for staff users when they are submitting their claims.

Total Daily Time-Based Minutes Limit

This claim exception applies to the total number of minutes a user is allowed to claim over the course of a day before getting flagged. If your staff are submitting a series of smaller time-based claims (ie. several store visits or activations over the course of one day), you may wish to set an exception limit to control the amount of time they are able to submit claims for. If the expected day would have a total of 8 hours, you may wish to set your limit at 9 hours (540 minutes) total before the exception kicks in.

Unlike the two previous exceptions, this one does not allow you to enter a prompt message. Just enter the time and that's it.

Single Time-Based Claim Rate Limit

This exception allows you to set a maximum amount you are willing to pay out on a single claim. This is a dollar amount that when reached, will flag the claim as needing manual approval. Users can still submit their claim, but it will not be able to be auto-approved. The maximum claim rate limit should be set at the rate above which you would want to give special consideration, so think about how much you expect to pay per claim and set the exception rate a little higher. Let's say you expect to pay $200 per day, you may wish to set the claim rate limit at $220 so that all claims above that rate would need manual approval.

Single Amount-Based Claim Rate Limit

This exception allows you to set the maximum amount you're willing to accept from an amount-based claim (think expenses like parking or tolls), before you want to require manual approval. If you expect to pay out $20 in amount-based claims, set the exception rate slightly above, like $22 or $25. Any claims submitted at a rate above the exception rate will require manual approval and will not be able to be auto-approved.

Once you have set up all of your needed exception rates, click Save in the upper left corner of the page. Your exceptions will now be applied.

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