Claim Admin
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Claim Admin

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Article summary

Claims exist on all levels of the admin in MainEvent. This allows you the flexibility to set up claims globally and tailor them to meet the needs of each Client and Program thereafter.

Claim Types

Claim Types are the titles for specific claims that will be submitted by your staff. A Claim Type can be whatever you need it to be (Hourly Wage, Setup Fee, Reimbursement, etc). You also have the ability to set certain requirements at the global level and see them filter down from there. Or you can not set those requirements at the global level, but put them in place for a client or a program if needed.

Global Claim Types

Global Claim Types will be the first section you encounter on the Global Admin page. This section lists all claim types (active and inactive), shows their category (Amount, Distance, Time), their active status, whether they require a receipt, and whether they are set to auto approve. To add a new Claim Type, click Add Claim Type. All Claim Types must be added at the global level before they can be made active on the Client and Program levels.

You will now be on the Claim Type Details page. Here you will enter the necessary information to create a new Global Claim Type.

First, enter the name. This could be Tolls, Supplies, Hourly Wage, Admin Time, Training, etc.

Then select a Claim Type Category from the drop down. Your options here are Time (anything that would be entered as an hourly expense, ie. Hourly Wage, Admin Time, Training), Amount (something that would be a one-time lump sum expense, ie. Supplies, Parking, Tolls, Airfare), and Distance (an expense submitted based on distance travelled, ie. Mileage).

Add a Budget Code and Pay Code if needed.

Next select if the Claim Type is active. The system will default to Yes. Then decide if this type of claim requires a receipt to be submitted with it (for expenses, for example), and if you want the system to auto-approve all claims of this type.

Once you have completed those fields, click Save and the Claim Type will now be displayed in the Claim Types menu.

To edit a Claim Type, click Edit in the menu next to the type name or the Claim Type Name.

This will open the same Claim Type Details page that displayed when you created the claim type. Make any needed adjustments, and click Save. 

Client Claim Types

On the client level, you will have the chance to make claim types active, and determine if they should be auto-approved. You cannot add new claim types on the client level, they must first be created from the global admin.

The client level list will display all claim types, their category, and their active status. To activate (or inactivate) a claim type, click Edit or the Claim Type Name.

This will open the Claim Type Details page. The name and category will not be editable from this page. Change the Active status by toggling to the correct status. You may also opt to make the claim type auto-approved when submitted.

Make any changes you need to here, and click Save. The updated Active status will now be listed in the Claim Types list.

Program Claim Types

On the Program level, you will once again make the decision of which claim types should be made active. This allows you to have different claim type options on each of your programs. From this level, you will also determine which event types can submit claims for the claim type.

The Program level Claim Types list shows the name, category, Activity ID (if used), Active Status (Yes/No), and whether the claim type is set to auto approve.

To enter a specific claim type, click Edit or the Claim Type Name.

This will open the Claim Type Details page. The Claim Type Name and Category will not be editable on this page. Here you can change the Active Status (Yes/No), add an Activity ID (optional), an Activity Description (optional), enable Auto Approval (will default to No), edit the default rate at the program level.

This page is also where you will choose which Event Types you want to have this Claim Type submitted against. All Event Types that will be displayed with checkboxes to Allow Claims and Automatically Generate. Selecting Allow Claims means that staff users will be able to manually submit claims of this type when they work an event of this type. Automatically Generate means that a claim of this type will be automatically submitted for the staff user when they complete a shift on this type of event. When you select Automatically Generate, a new field will display under Amount. Add the amount that the claim should total in that field and the system will take it from there. You cannot select Allow Claims and Automatically Generate for a single Claim Type. Only one option can be selected.

Pay Periods

Entering Pay Periods is necessary in order to be able to submit claims on MainEvent. Pay periods are chronological and entered on the global level. You are able to determine the length of a pay period (1 week, 2 weeks, 1 month, etc), and build out the pay period schedule from there. Find the Pay Period section on the Global Admin section under Claims. Add a new pay period by clicking Add Period.

To begin adding a pay period, you will need to add a Start Date, End Date and Paydate. Adding a lockdate will mean that claims cannot be added to the pay period after that lock date and will accrue for the following pay period.

Once you have added the information, click Save.

Set up pay periods for as long as you need into the future. This will ensure that your staff users will be able to submit claims without issue. There are also quick add buttons on the final pay period in the list that will allow you to quickly add 1 week, 2 weeks, or 1 month to that period without having to edit.

Claim Exceptions

Claim exceptions allow you to set limits on how large of a claim can be submitted without a warning to staff. They create limits on what you're willing to pay someone for a specific claim type without special scrutiny. Claims beyond the exception threshold are still able to be approved, but they are flagged for manual approval. Claims beyond the set exception rate cannot be auto-approved.

To find the claim exceptions, click Claim Exceptions in the Global Configuration menu.

This action will navigate you away from the admin page to the Global Claim Exception Details page. This page will include 5 claim exception sections. Those are: Single Distance-Based Units Limit, Single Time-Based Claims Minutes Limit, Total Daily Time-Based Minutes Limit, Single Time-Based Claim Rate Limit, and Single Amount-Based Claim Rate Limit.

Single Distance-Based Units Limit

This claim exception allows you to enter a maximum distance that users are allowed to claim against prior to triggering an exception warning. For example, if staff routinely travel 20mi, you may wish to set the limit at 25mi. This would mean that anyone submitting a claim for over 25 miles would automatically receive a prompt message informing them that they are over the limit. The claim would also require manual approval.

Set the claim exception amount by entering the mileage in the Single Distance-Based Units Limit field. The system will determine whether to apply miles or kilometers based on whether you selected imperial or metric measurements when setting up the site.

Next, you will enter your prompt message. This is the message that will display for staff users when they are submitting their claims.

Single Time-Based Claim Minutes Limit

This claim exception applies to the maximum length of time that you will allow a staff user to submit as a time-based claim without special scrutiny. If the standard shift is 8 hours, you may wish to set the exception at 9 hours, for example.

Set the claim exception amount by entering the number of minutes at which you wish the claim exception to trigger. For example, 9 hours is 540 minutes.

Next, you can enter the prompt message. This is the message that will display for staff users when they are submitting their claims.

Total Daily Time-Based Minutes Limit

This claim exception applies to the total number of minutes a user is allowed to claim over the course of a day before getting flagged. If your staff are submitting a series of smaller time-based claims (ie. several store visits or activations over the course of one day), you may wish to set an exception limit to control the amount of time they are able to submit claims for. If the expected day would have a total of 8 hours, you may wish to set your limit at 9 hours (540 minutes) total before the exception kicks in.

Unlike the two previous exceptions, this one does not allow you to enter a prompt message. Just enter the time and that's it.

Single Time-Based Claim Rate Limit

This exception allows you to set a maximum amount you are willing to pay out on a single claim. This is a dollar amount that when reached, will flag the claim as needing manual approval. Users can still submit their claim, but it will not be able to be auto-approved. The maximum claim rate limit should be set at the rate above which you would want to give special consideration, so think about how much you expect to pay per claim and set the exception rate a little higher. Let's say you expect to pay $200 per day, you may wish to set the claim rate limit at $220 so that all claims above that rate would need manual approval.

Single Amount-Based Claim Rate Limit

This exception allows you to set the maximum amount you're willing to accept from an amount-based claim (think expenses like parking or tolls), before you want to require manual approval. If you expect to pay out $20 in amount-based claims, set the exception rate slightly above, like $22 or $25. Any claims submitted at a rate above the exception rate will require manual approval and will not be able to be auto-approved.

Once you have set up all of your needed exception rates, click Save in the upper left corner of the page. Your exceptions will now be applied.