Calendar Widget
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Calendar Widget

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Article summary

Calendar Widget on the Configurable Dashboard

The Calendar widget grants you immediate visibility on your program’s scheduled events based on your user permissions. In this document, we’ll be talking about building out this specific widget. If you’re wanting to learn about building the dashboard, read here.

Widget Configuration

So let’s jump right into it. Unlike, say, the custom pie chart, the calendar setup is going to be more straightforward. One thing that isn’t going to change, is that the process starts with naming the widget, as well as determining if you want to display that name and/or have a border around the widget. If you want to display the name or the border, click the checkboxes.

Next, if you want to, you can choose to adjust the height settings on the widget. The default will be Enforce exact height. Your other options are: Dynamically expand and reduce height, dynamically expand only, and dynamically reduce only.

What does any of this mean? Let’s define some terms.

  • Enforce Exact Size
    • The default and recommended option. This option uses the template defined height and will not vary from that. If the data field is larger than possible to display at one time (unlikely in a bar chart but a possibility in others), scrolling will be required to view the data.
  • Dynamically Expand and Reduce Height
    • The most flexible option wherein the widget will grow or shrink as necessary to display all data at one time with no scrolling required. This option may change the layout of the dashboard as the widget will not be a fixed size.
  • Dynamically Expand Only
    • This will allow the widget to expand as needed to display all data but the widget will not shrink beyond the defined size set for the template.
  • Dynamically Reduce Only
    • The widget may get smaller based on display needs but will not expand beyond the set size on the template.

For our example, we’re going to keep it at the default Enforce Exact Size.

One more field to go and we’re in the clear, configuration-wise. Select which event statuses you would like to display on your calendar.

If you have no need to add filters, this is the end of your widget-building journey. Click Save Changes at the bottom of the modal and get on with your day. If you have the need to filter, keep on reading.

Widget Filters

Unlike other widgets, the calendar widget doesn’t offer filtering on a per-piece level, but you can still apply filters at the widget-level. At the top of the widget builder, click Widget Filters.

If you’ve already added piece-level filtering, this won’t be a big stretch for you, but if you haven’t, we’re going to go through all the steps so don’t worry about missing out on something. The next step is clicking Add Filter.  

This will open the Filter Builder. Your first step here is entering the Name of the filter. Then you need to select your Filter Type. For Filter Type, your options are: Venue Markets, Event Types, Recap Definitions, Programs, Date Range (full date), Date Range (Month and Year), Venue States, Integration Custom Fields, Scheduling Custom Fields, Recap Custom Fields, and Venue Custom Fields.

  • Venue Markets
    • Narrow your widget data to specific markets
    • Select the market(s) from the dropdown menu. Markets will need to be added individually. If none are selected, the dashboard will default to including all in the filter.
  • Event Types
    • Narrow your results to certain event types.
    • Select the event type(s) from the dropdown menu. Event types will need to be added individually. If none are selected, the dashboard will default to including all in the filter.
  • Recap Definitions
    • Pull data only from events with specific recap assignments
    • Select the recap(s) from the dropdown menu. Recap definitions will need to be added individually. If none are selected, the dashboard will default to including all in the filter.
  • Programs
    • Display data based on the event’s program assignment
    • Select the program(s) from the dropdown menu. Programs will need to be added individually. If none are selected, the dashboard will default to including all in the filter.
  • Date Range (full date)
    • Select a date range for dd/mm/yy
  • Date Range (Month and Year)
    • Select a date range for mm/yy
  • Venue States
    • Pull data based on the state the venue is in
    • Select the state(s) from the dropdown menu. States will need to be added individually. If none are selected, the dashboard will default to including all in the filter.
  • Integration Custom Fields
    • Use Integration Fields to determine what data is pulled into your chart
    • Select the field(s) from the dropdown menu. Fields will need to be added individually. If none are selected, the dashboard will default to including all in the filter.
  • Scheduling Custom Fields
    • Pull data based on Scheduling Fields on the event
    • Select the field(s) from the dropdown menu. Fields will need to be added individually. If none are selected, the default will include all in the filter.
  • Recap Custom Fields
    • Use specific Recap Fields to determine what event’s pull into your chart
    • Select the field(s) from the dropdown menu. Fields will need to be added individually. If none are selected, the default will include all in the filter.
  • Venue Custom Fields
    • Use responses from Venue Fields to populate the widget
    • Select the field(s) from the dropdown menu. Fields will need to be added individually. If none are selected, the default will include all in the filter.

Build out additional filters as needed by repeating the above steps.

When you’ve made all your edits, click Save Changes at the bottom of the modal.

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