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Article summary

The MainEvent calendar allows you to track your events by date and visualize the state of your program at a glance. The calendar allows for a Monthly or Weekly view and offers an event preview as well as click through features.

The Main Calendar

The Calendar feature can be accessed in two locations on the site. The main calendar can be accessed by clicking Calendar on the navigation menu.

This will open the Event Calendar page. All events scheduled for the current month will display by default when you load the calendar for the first time.

The events that display will be color coded, with the default Color By setting being Status. You are able to change the colors and also what Color By setting you view.

Changing Colors

Changing the colors on your calendar is easy and any change you make to the colors is just for your own use, so you can make the colors whatever will best help you personally. To change colors, click on any colored box in the calendar header.

This will open up the color selector window.

Use your mouse to manipulate the color selector until you see the color you want in the left side color preview. You can also use RGB values or HEX codes.

Once you have the color you want, click on the multi-colored sphere in the lower right hand corner.

This will complete the change and you will see the updated color on your calendar. 

You can make these changes to any of the options displayed in the header. To change what the Color By options are, click on the Color By drop down in the Filters box on the left side of the page.

The options to color by are: Status, Event Type, Region, Market, Program, and Staff.

Filtering the Calendar

Now that your colors are popping, you might want to filter out some of the events that are displaying. That can be achieved by the Filters on the left side of the page. You can filter by: Visit Status, Program, Event Type, Market, and Staff. Filters will build on each other, acting as AND rather than OR filters, so the more filtering you add, the fewer results you will see. To activate the filters, click Apply at the bottom of the filters box. To remove all filters, click Clear.

Dashboard Calendar

Your client level dashboard may be configured to display a calendar which will display all the same information as the dedicated calendar page.  The colors you select from the main calendar page will display on the dashboard calendar.  You can click through to events from the dashboard calendar but this calendar cannot be filtered, nor can you change the colors from here.  

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