Building a Reports Table
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Building a Reports Table

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Building a Reports Table on the Configurable Dashboard

In this article, we’re going to discuss the specifics of building out the Reports Table widget. If you’re looking for instructions on how to build out a full dashboard, look here.

Widget Configuration - Reports Table

After adding the Reports Table Widget, the real work starts, in this case, Widget Configuration. As it seems we always do, we start with the name and the Display Title and Display Border checkboxes.

Next, you’ll encounter the field called Height Display Configuration. Now you might be wondering what that means, so let’s get that out of the way.

  • Enforce Exact Height
    • The default and recommended option. This option uses the template defined height and will not vary from that. If the data field is larger than possible to display at one time, scrolling will be required to view the data.
  • Dynamically Expand and Reduce Height
    • The most flexible option wherein the widget will grow or shrink as necessary to display all data at one time with no scrolling required. This option may change the layout of the dashboard as the widget will not be a fixed size.
  • Dynamically Expand Only
    • This will allow the widget to expand as needed to display all data but the widget will not shrink beyond the defined size set for the template.
  • Dynamically Reduce Only
    • The widget may get smaller based on display needs but will not expand beyond the set size on the template.

The default here is Enforce exact size and that’s what we’re going to stick with.

Finally, you need to enter the ID number for the report you want to pull into the widget. You can find the ID at the end of the URL for the report. Hover over the Report Name in the index to find it too. Our report ID is 67, so that’s what we’ll enter here.

At this stage, if you want to, you could just click Save Changes and move on to your next task. The widget is ready! But if you have any in-widget filtering that you wish to apply, keep reading and we’ll show you what you need to do.

Widget Filters

If you want to display your report in its totality, you’re not needed here, but if you want to apply specific criteria to the widget on a whole (as opposed to at the whole dashboard level), then here’s your chance. To get started, click Widget Filters at the top of the modal next to Widget Configuration.

Then click Add Filter.

Now you’ll have the beginnings of a filter. Specifically, two fields: Name and Filter Type. First, name the filter. This name won’t be visible to people using the dashboard but it can help differentiate filters to others who may need to edit the widget at a later date.

Now you’ve got to select the type of filter. The options are: Venue Markets, Event Types, Recap Definitions, Programs, Date Range (full date), Date Range (month and year), Venue States, Integration Custom Fields, Scheduling Custom Fields, Recap Custom Fields, and Venue Custom Fields.

  • Venue Markets
    • Narrow results to specific Market(s)
    • Select the market(s) from a list. Each market will need to be added individually
  • Event Types
    • Narrow results to specific event type(s)
    • Each event type will need to be added individually
  • Recap Definitions
    • Narrow results to events with specific recap assignments
    • Each recap will need to be selected individually
  • Programs
    • Narrow results to specific programs within the client site
    • Each program will need to be added individually
  • Date Range (full date)
    • Pull results only from within a specified time period
    • Select the Start and End Date from a calendar menu
  • Date Range (month and year)
    • Pull results only from within a specified time period
    • Select the Start and End Date from a calendar menu
  • Venue States
    • Narrow results to only include event data from specific venues in specific states.
    • Each state will need to be selected individually
  • Integration Custom Fields
    • Use Integration Fields to determine what data is pulled into your chart
    • Select the field(s) from the dropdown menu. Fields will need to be added individually. If none are selected, the dashboard will default to including all in the filter.
  • Scheduling Custom Fields
    • Pull data based on Scheduling Fields on the event
    • Select the field(s) from the dropdown menu. Fields will need to be added individually. If none are selected, the default will include all in the filter.
  • Recap Custom Fields
    • Use specific Recap Fields to determine what event’s pull into your chart
    • Select the field(s) from the dropdown menu. Fields will need to be added individually. If none are selected, the default will include all in the filter.
  • Venue Custom Fields
    • Use responses from Venue Fields to populate the widget
    • Select the field(s) from the dropdown menu. Fields will need to be added individually. If none are selected, the default will include all in the filter.

We’re going to select Venue States for this example.

Build out additional filters as needed by repeating the above steps.

When you’ve made all your edits, click Save Changes at the bottom of the modal.