Building a Pie Chart
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Building a Pie Chart

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Building a Pie Chart on the Configurable Dashboard

The Configurable Dashboard offers two pie chart options, Pie Chart and Custom Pie Chart. We’re here to discuss the specifics of building out this widget, so if you’re looking for instructions on how to build out a dashboard, look here.

Widget Configuration - Pie Chart

Skipping right to the meat of the thing, we’re going to look at the configuration options for the standard Pie Chart. The first field available to you is the Widget Name. This is a text entry field which will default to NOT displaying on your dashboard. If you want to see the title with the widget, you’ll also need to select the Display Title checkbox.

Next, if you want to, you can choose to adjust the height settings on the widget. The default will be Enforce exact height. Your other options are: Dynamically expand and reduce height, dynamically expand only, and dynamically reduce only.

What does any of this mean? Let’s define some terms.

  • Enforce Exact Height
    • The default and recommended option. This option uses the template defined height and will not vary from that. If the data field is larger than possible to display at one time (unlikely in a pie chart but a possibility in others), scrolling will be required to view the data.
  • Dynamically Expand and Reduce Height
    • The most flexible option wherein the widget will grow or shrink as necessary to display all data at one time with no scrolling required. This option may change the layout of the dashboard as the widget will not be a fixed size.
  • Dynamically Expand Only
    • This will allow the widget to expand as needed to display all data but the widget will not shrink beyond the defined size set for the template.
  • Dynamically Reduce Only
    • The widget may get smaller based on display needs but will not expand beyond the set size on the template.

Next up, you select the Data Type. For Pie Charts, your options are: Recap Question by Market, Recap Question vs. Recap Question, Recap Question by Event Type, Events by Status, Events by Type, Select Type Recap Question, and Yes/No Type Recap Question.

Depending on what selection you choose, your next options will be different. Let’s start at the top:

Recap Question by Market 

After you select your data type, you’ll have to select the field (the recap question) from the Field dropdown. Then you select the Event Statuses you want to pull from. Then, if you want to, you can enter Internal Height Scaling, which allows you to enter (by percentage) how big you want the chart to display compared to its default size. For example, if a chart is getting cut off at the top but you want the widget footprint to remain the size it is, you could enter 75, and the chart will display at 75% of the default size. Likewise if it’s too small, enter 125 to get the chart to display at 125% of the default size.

Recap Question vs. Recap Question

With this selection, you’ll have multiple fields to select, specifically the recap fields that you want to compare against one another. Then the Event Statuses you want to pull into the chart. Once again, you’ll have the Internal Height Scaling.

Recap Question by Event Type

Here you’ll have a single select field for Recap Field, then you’ll select the Statuses. All Event Types will automatically be pulled into the chart. Then you can set your Internal Height Scaling if you choose to.

Events by Status

Select your Event Statuses, then set the Internal Height Scaling if needed.

Events by Type

Select the Event Statuses you wish to include, all Event Types will automatically be selected. Set the Internal Height Scaling as needed.

Select Type Recap Question

Choose from the list of Select Type Recap Questions (only the Select Type Questions will be included in the list, if you’re looking for other recap types, you’ll want to select either the Recap Question Data Types OR the Yes/No Type Recap Question Data Type). Pick the Event Statuses you want to include. Set up the Internal Height Scaling (if you want to, this is totally optional).

Yes/No Type Recap Question

Choose from the list of Yes/No Recap Questions (only the Yes/No Recap Questions will be included on the list, if you’re looking for other recap field types, you’ll want to select either the Recap Question Data Types OR the Select Type Recap Question Data Type). Pick the Event Statuses you want to see. Set up the Internal Height Scaling, if needed.

Widget Filters

Now that you’ve built out the Configuration aspect of the widget, we can look at the in-widget filtering options available to you. This will allow you to ensure that your individual widgets are displaying exactly the data you want without having to filter the entire dashboard. Start by clicking Widget Filters.

Then click Add Filter.

The first field will let you name your filter. This won’t be visible to folks using the dashboard so you don’t have to go overboard here. Generally, the suggestion is to be descriptive so that if someone else needs to edit the widget they know what they’re looking at without having to guess too much. Then you’ll select your Filter Type from the dropdown menu.

Filter Options: Venue Markets, Event Types, Recap Definitions, Programs, Date Range (full date), Date Range (month/year), Venue States, Integration Custom Fields, Scheduling Custom Fields, Recap Custom Fields, and Venue Custom Fields.

Once again, depending on what selection you make here, your build options are going to vary. So let’s go through the list:

Venue Markets

Choose the markets you want to include in the widget from the select menu.

Event Types

Select all required Event Types from the list. This will determine what event types pull into any of the fields while also determining which Event Types will display for Event Type-specific Data Types.

Recap Definitions

Select from a list of active Recap Definitions.


Select from a list of active Programs on the client.

Date Range (full date)

Nothing needed.

Date Range (month and year)

Enter the default start and end date for the filter manually or with calendar dropdowns.

Venue States

Select the states (and provinces) from the menu. Choose as many (or as few) as you need for your widget.

Scheduling Fields

Choose any Scheduling Field from the list. If the field has a response, the event will be included in the chart data.

Recap Custom Fields

Select (a) Recap Field(s) from the dropdown. You can select one or many. If the recap field(s) have responses, the event will be included in the chart data.

Venue Custom Fields

Select a Venue Custom Field from the dropdown. If the venue used for the event has a response, the data from that event will be included in the chart.

If you’ve added one filter too many, or just decided that you want to go in a different direction, you can click Remove Filter to take out any of the filters from the list. Each added filter will have a Remove Filter button.

To remove a selected field from a filter, click Clear.

Last Steps

After you’ve added your filters, you can click Save Changes to formalize your widget.

You may also remove the widget by clicking Delete.