Assigning a New Program to Existing Users
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Assigning a New Program to Existing Users

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Article summary

Starting a new program and want to know how your existing Management Users can be assigned to it? Look no further. We’ve got options on how you can do this in MainEvent.

Mass Program Assign

Want everyone within a user role to get assigned to the program all at once? We have the Program Mass Assign tool to accomplish exactly that.

Go to the Program Admin page (find out more about that here) (Admin -> View -> Clients -> Programs). Find the section titled Program Assignment. You can find this by either clicking it in the Configuration Menu, or scrolling down.

In this section you have the option of using a Yes/No toggle to assign yourself to the program, OR you can use the mass assign by role feature. Under the header Assign to All Users of Role, pick the correct role from the select drop down by clicking the checkbox. Want to select more than one? Go right ahead, there are no limits.

You’ll see your selected roles in the field.

The final step (and it’s important), is to click Save in the upper left of the page. When the page saves, you’ll see a message in a green banner indicating how many roles you have successfully mass assigned to the new program.

That’s all there is to it.

Individual Profile Pages

Have a few people that need to be assigned to a program but they aren’t necessarily all the people within a role? That’s fine too, we let people be individualistic in their assignments.

Head to the Management User Index, from either your Global or Client page.

You can search or filter to get to the specific user you wish to view. Once you’ve found the user, use the dropdown arrow on the far right of the row to select Edit.

The first section of the page covers Personal Details. This includes Name, Email, Phone, Role, Login, and Active Status.

The following section is the assignments. This is where you will be able to adjust your client, program, and market assignments. Ability to adjust your own and others’ assignments is permissions based and may not be available to all users. To adjust any assignments, expand the dropdown menu and select the checkbox next to the name to select or deselect the assignment.

You will also see a section to the Link Calendar feature. This will allow you to copy an iCal link and embed your MainEvent Calendar in the calendar program of your choice (Google Calendar, Outlook, Confluence, etc.). You can make your own decisions about what Clients, Programs, and Markets you wish to export. This is an optional feature.

Select what portions of your calendar you wish to include in the link by clicking on the drop down lists and selecting or deselecting the checkbox.

Once you have selected all the Clients, Programs, and Markets that you want included in your link, click Generate.

The page will load with a new button displaying. Click Copy Feed URL.

This will copy the system generated iCal link to your clipboard. You will now be able to use that URL to embed into the calendar program of your choice following their instructions. Please note, all external calendar feeds will have an internal refresh time frame (ie. Google Calendar is once per 24hr) so changes made in the system may not be immediately visible on external calendars. Please check your MainEvent calendar for the most current display of event information.

If you wish to remove the link from your profile, click Deactivate. This will not remove the link from your external calendar. It will only remove the link settings from your profile and discontinue the feed to your calendar. The link itself will remain embedded in the calendar program until you remove it.

That’s it! If you’ve made all the changes you need to your profile, click Save. If you want to get out of here without making any changes, click Cancel.

Once you have saved or clicked cancel, you will move to the Management User Index. From here, use the nav menu to get to anyplace on the site.