Asset Warehouses
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Asset Warehouses

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Article summary

Asset Warehouses are locations where assets may be stored in between events. To create a new warehouse, go to the Asset Warehouse button located under the Asset dropdown menu.

The Asset Warehouse index will store all warehouses that have been added to the system. You can have one or multiple different warehouses around the country that assets can be stored in.

To add a new warehouse, click the Add New Warehouse button located in the top right corner of the page. This will take you to a new page where you can enter the name and address of the warehouse.

To assign an asset to be at a warehouse, you will want to use the Warehouse Rests feature. We use the term “Rest” to refer to when an asset is not in use, and not in transit between events. Click the Add Warehouse Rest button located in the top right corner of the Asset Rest index page. Then select which asset and warehouse you would like to create a rest for. The Asset will remain at the warehouse until it is assigned to an event.

In the example below, the Asset when from an event at Ryan’s Rockin June Gloom Celeration to the Pinnacle Exhibits OR Warehouse where it remained for 10 days before being requested at a new event on July 10th. When an asset is in transit between an event and the warehouse, you can enter in USPS, UPS, or Fedex tracking ids to see when the asset will be delivered.

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