Asset Overview
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Asset Overview

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Article summary

If you’re using Assets on your MainEvent site, chances are you want to be able to see what those Assets are up to. Enter the Asset Overview page, which offers a bird’s eye view of all of your assets in one place.

Finding the Overview

Before you can make use of the Asset Overview, you need to find it. Start by clicking Assets in the navigation menu and selecting Asset Overview.

The Map

When the Overview page loads, the first thing likely to draw your eye is going to be the Asset Route Map. This map uses colored pins and directional lines to show the route each of your assets has traveled. Each color represents a different asset, each pin an event and the lines show you the distance and direction travelled. A key at the bottom of the map will display which color represents which asset.

Asset Cards

Below the map, you’re going to see individual cards for each of your assets. These cards will display: Asset Name, Asset Activity Types, Unscheduled Days, Events Scheduled, Event Days Scheduled, Avg. Miles Travelled, Last Event, and Next Event.

The card will break down how many of each Asset Activity Types the asset has been assigned to, how many days the asset is scheduled and unscheduled. A breakdown of the average miles travelled and links to the most recent past event and the next event.

Filtering Results

Feeling a little overwhelmed by all the results? Want a more focussed point of view? At the top of the page, you’re going to see several filters, allowing you to filter by: Asset Type, Market, Asset, and Start/End Date. These filters will default to include all options, but if you are looking to gain perspective about specific assets or market performance, then you may wish to enable some or all of these.

The filters operate as multi-select dropdowns. Click on the filter type you wish to select and choose any of the selections that you wish to highlight on the page.

The Date filters will operate slightly differently, offering a date picker calendar instead of multi-select. The default setting for the dates will be the current calendar year.

Once you have added all the filters, click Apply Filters to filter the page results.

If you no longer require the filters, click Clear Filters.

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