Approving Claims
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Approving Claims

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If your program includes payroll, you may need to approve staff expenses and claims. Let’s outline what those functions look like on MainEvent. 

T&E Approval Index

The primary location for actioning claims is the T&E Approval Index page.  This index will allow you to complete all actions needed for all claims submitted for your approval.  To access the T&E Approval Index, go to the Claims tab in the navigation menu and select T&E Approval Index.

In addition to approving and declining claims, you can also download all receipts submitted by staff by clicking Download All Receipts on the upper right of the page.  

 A notable difference from other index pages, is the action buttons on the right hand side of the screen.  

These action buttons allow you to perform the following tasks: Quick Approve, Approve (with note), Unapprove, and Decline.

Quick Approve

The Quick Approve button allows you to look over the claim and approve it without having to add any extra information.  If there are no special notes to make, simply click the button and approve the claim.  


The Approve button achieves the same end as the Quick Approval, but gives you the chance to add additional notes to the claim.  

When you click Approve, the Approve with Comments window will open.  When you approve a claim this way, you must enter a comment to approve the claim.  Click Approve at the bottom right again to submit the approval.  

The note that you include on the claim will be visible to users on the management portal and also to the staff user who submitted the claim.  


If a claim was approved in error or by accident, it’s possible to rescind that approval.  Click Unapprove next to an approved claim to change the status of the claim back to Submitted from Approved. 


If a claim is submitted that does not meet the criteria for approval, you can return the claim to the user who submitted it by clicking Decline.  All declined claims require a comment.  A declined claim will be returned to the staff user who can then edit the claim or withdraw their submission completely.  

When a claim is declined, the Decline with Comments window will automatically display.  Select a reason for declining from the dropdown list, or select Custom Comment to enter your own reason for choosing to decline the submission.  Click Decline and the claim will be returned to the submitter for review.  

Event Summary

Claims approval can also be completed from the event summary page.  In the Position Tab Bar, select Claims.

You will now be able to view all the claims that have been submitted for that event.  Each claim card will have an Approve button at the bottom on the right side.  This button will work like the Quick Approval button on the T&E Index.  No comments are able to be added if you approve a claim from this page.  

For non-primary claims, you may have the option of editing or deleting a claim.  

For claims that have previously been approved, an Unapprove button will display.

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