Approving a Recap
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Approving a Recap

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If you have staff users completing recap responses, you may need to review and approve those submissions. This is as easy as the click of a button. No, really.

To view the recap response, you need to start at the event summary. Every event on MainEvent will have a recap assigned to it. You can see which events have recaps awaiting approval by filtering the Event Index to events in “Recapped” status.

Events in Recapped status have submitted recaps that have not yet been approved. Once the recap is approved, the event will move to Finished status. Click through to the event.

The recap response will be located at the bottom of the event summary page. You will be able to view all fields from this section.

You may click the Approve Recap button at the top of the recap response. This will approve the individual recap. If there is more than one recap response submitted for the event, you will only approve the individual recap using this function. If the response is not appropriate to what you were expecting, you may wish to remove the response altogether. This can be achieved by clicking Delete Recap Response.

If there is more than one recap response submitted on an event, the additional recaps will display below the first.

To approve multiple recaps, you have options. You can go through each recap response individually and approve them by clicking Approve Recap as outlined above. Alternatively, you can approve all recaps in one step. At the top of the page, there is an Approve All Recaps button.

Selecting this option will approve all the recaps on an event at the same time.

If a recap was approved in error, you have the option of unapproving the response. Click Unapprove Recap to revoke the approved status. This will return the event to Recapped status if it was in Finished status.