Applying for Shifts
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Applying for Shifts

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Article summary

Shifts that are open to apply for will be found in the Pending Shifts section of the portal.

Each pending shift will allow you the chance to Apply for the shift or to Decline the invitation. When you select Apply for the shift, the card will read Applied.

If you decline a shift, that will also be indicated on the card.

After you have indicated your interest (or disinterest) in the shift, you are able to change your response by simply clicking the opposite option.

If you have applied for a shift, and are approved to work, the shift card will move from Pending Shifts to your scheduled shifts.

Confirmed Shifts

Some shifts may be staffed by your management in Pending status. These shifts require you to respond that you decline if you don’t wish to work, otherwise you will be staffed. You will find these shifts under the Confirmed Shifts banner.

To confirm that you wish to work, do nothing. If you do not wish to work the shift, click the Decline button on the shift card. When you refresh your portal, you will see this declined shift has moved to the Declined section.


After declining a shift, you may always reapply by clicking Apply.