Admin Overview
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Admin Overview

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Article summary

Welcome to the MainEvent Admin Section. This section of the site will allow you to configure your site to your needs on a Global, Client, and Program level. We’ll go over the specifics of how to set up each section of the admin further on, but here we’re just going to go through the basics of how to navigate this section.

Perhaps we’re getting ahead of ourselves. First things first, let’s see how to get to the Admin Section, then we’ll get to the specifics.

Finding the Admin

The Admin Section access is given as part of a role permission. If you do not see the Admin Section when following these instructions, please reach out to your NNI account manager or MainEvent Admin User.

To find the admin section, look to the Navigation Menu. Click on the tab titled Admin and select View.

Global Admin

You will now be in the Global Admin Section for your MainEvent site. The Global Admin will control settings and setup at (you might want to sit down here) the global level. This means that the settings you save here will apply to all clients and programs on the site. Along the left hand side of the page, you will see the Global Configuration Menu. This menu will allow you quick access to any sections on the Global Admin page, as well as access to some items that are only reachable through this menu.

The Configuration Menu is laid out in the order that you will find items on the page, but clicking any of the links will save you having to scroll through. This menu also offers access to Custom Field sections which are not listed on the Admin.

The Global Admin allows you to control larger scope items for features that you will narrow down as you move through the Client and Program Admin levels. So Claims on the Global level have Claim Exceptions, Claim Types, and Pay Periods. These items must be added at this level in order to be used on the Client and Program levels later. Not all Claim Types need to be used on every Client, but all Claim Types must first be added globally.

Other Global items are: Event Sections, Missed Reasons, Clients, Companies, Logo Upload, Manage Alerts, View Sent Alert Notifications, Location Attributes, Location Chains, Location Fields, Location Variables, Products, Product Attributes, Choice Attributes, Question Attributes, Standardized Question Tags, Staff Offload Questions, and Staff Settings.

As an example on how to use the configuration menu, to find a specific client, look under Global and click Clients. This will bring you to the Clients section and from there, you can click Edit or the Client Name to enter the Client Admin (more on that further down).

Listings in the Global Configuration Menu that are not visible on the Admin page are: Claim Exceptions, Pun Manage Alerts, View Sent Alert Notifications, Location Chains, Location Fields, FTP Users (if using) Choice Attributes, and Question Attributes. For each of these sections, you will need to click the link within the Configuration Menu to be directed to the correct location.

Client Admin

The Client Admin allows you to set client-specific settings for each different client on your MainEvent site.

To access a client, look under Global and click Clients. This will bring you to the Clients section and from there, you can click Edit or the Client Name to enter the Client Admin (more on that further down).

The Client Admin page will look familiar, having the same layout as the Global Admin. The Configuration Menu is located on the left of the page again with the sections listed in order of how they are displayed on the page. Again, you can use the links in the Configuration Menu to jump to the section you want to work from. This menu also offers access to Custom Field sections which are not listed on the Admin.

Each Client you have on your MainEvent site will have their own individual Client Admin page. Changes you make on this level will only impact the specific client you are viewing at the moment. There is no way to copy settings from one client to another.

Items on the Client level Admin are: Asset Activity Fields, Asset Activity Types, Asset Decline Reasons, Asset Fields, Asset Types, Asset Availability Conditions, Claim Types, Programs, Mass Assign Client, Products, Settings, Manage Alerts, View Sent Alert Notifications, Contact Types, Event Custom Fields, Event Categories, Event Settings, Event Type Groups, Event Type Group Fields, Event Types, Event Type Fields, Teams, Position Types, Staff Settings, Location Variables, Markets, Location Fields, Location Types.

Listings in the Client Configuration Menu that are not visible on the Admin page are: Asset Activity Fields, Asset Fields, Manage Alerts, View Sent Alert Notifications, Event Custom Fields, Event Type Group Fields, Event Type Fields, and Location Fields.

Program Admin

The Program Admin allows you to create specific settings for a Program running within a Client site. Each Program will have a unique Program Admin page. Settings cannot be copied or shared between Programs.

To access the Program Admin, you must first click Programs on the Client Configuration Menu. This will bring you to the Programs list, from here you can click Edit or the Program Name to enter that specific Admin.

By this point, the layout of the Admin should feel pretty familiar to you. Once again, we have the Configuration Menu to the left and the listed sections going in order down the page. The Program Admin has fewer items to configure than either the Global or Client Admin pages, but as with the other sections, there are some links in the Configuration Menu that are only accessible via those links and not through the page itself.

Items on the Program Admin are: Event Custom Fields, Files, Mass Assign This Program, Program Event Types, Program Settings, Claim Types, Default Shifts, and Position Types.

The Event Custom Fields link is the only option that is not also listed on the Admin page itself.

How to Get Back

So, you’ve entered the depths of the Admin Section and you want to get back to Global? You have options. You can use the Admin tab on the Navigation Menu and select View.

Another option is to click the Back to Client button in the upper left of the page. You will then be directed back to the Client Admin. From there, you can click the Back to Global button in the same location.

Your final option is to use your browser’s Back button. The choice is yours.

To find out more about using the specific sections of the Admin Section, please read on.


MainEvent allows you to recap and report on specific products that you may want to collect data on. Whether you’re selling or sampling, adding products to your site allows you to include product-specific questions on your recaps and reports to get the data points you need from every event.

To begin using Products on your MainEvent site, just follow these instructions.

Adding Products

Using Products on MainEvent starts with adding them and that happens in the Admin section. Click Admin on the navigation menu and select View.

You will now be on the Global Admin page. On the left side of the page, you’ll see the Global Configuration Menu. Under the Products header, click Products.

This will bring you to the Products list. Any previously added products will be visible here.

You will be able to make Edit and Delete products from this menu (covered further in this document). You can also see the Active Status (Yes/No) of all products in the system here. In order to use a product at the Client level you must first add them to the Global site. The product will also need to be in Active status. To add a new product to the site, click Add Product.

You are now on the Edit Product page. Enter the name of the product. You can also select the Active Status here from a Yes/No select menu. The default will be to create the product in active status.  If you're using Integrations, you will also be able to tie the product to an integration field at this step.  

When you’re finished, click Save to add the product. The site will automatically navigate you back to the Products list and you will be able to view your product on the list.

Now that we’ve added the product to the site, you’re going to want to add the product to the necessary client(s). Begin by clicking Clients in the Global Configuration menu.

You’ll now be looking at the Clients list in the admin. Find the correct client name and click Edit.

This will redirect you to the Client Admin. In the Configuration Menu on the left of the page, click Products under the Clients header.

On the client level, you’ll see two separate sections for Products. The top section is titled Global Products. This is a select menu that you can use to make products active on the client. Any selected products will show as highlighted in this list. To select a single product, click the name. To choose multiple products, click Command+select.

This option allows you to quickly activate products. Once you have selected the products you wish to make active, click Save to make the changes.

The next section is simply called Products. This list will look very similar to the Global Products menu. The difference here is that products will default to Inactive status. To change the status of products in this list, click Edit or the Product Name.

Then from the Edit Product page, click the Active toggle to select Yes. You can also assign any integration fields to the product here, if your program is using them. Click Save to complete the change.

The product is now active on the client. To remove the product from the client, simply change the product to Inactive status.


Position Types

Position Types allow you to assign staff to specific shifts. This will allow users to see straight away what type of event or shift they will be working. Whether they’re coming in as a BA, Team Lead, or Shift Manager, creating Position Types for your site will allow you to set and manage what shift workers can submit recaps, photos, secondary claims, and view documents. In order to make use of staffing elements on MainEvent, at least one Position Type must be added and active on the client and program.

To begin adding Position Types, find the Staff section in the Client Admin Configuration menu and click Position Types.

This will direct you to the Staff section on the Global Admin page. Position Types is the first section under Staff. This section will list all previously added Position Types with information such as Name, Active (Yes/No), Secondary Claims (Yes/No), and Recap (Yes/No). To add a new Position Type, click Add Position Type.

This will open the Staff Position Details page. Start by naming the Position Type. Then select the active status (Yes/No). The active status will impact whether the Position Type can be assigned to other clients and if it can be assigned to events. If the Position Type is inactive at the client level, you will not be able to use it anywhere within the client site.

Next, you can select if the Position Type will allow users to Add Shift Photos, Add Photos on the Portal, Recap on Portal, Add Secondary Claims, Submit Secondary Claims for Others, and View Documents. Each of these fields is a separate Yes/No dropdown menu.

Once you have made your selections, click Save. Your new Position Type will now be visible in the Position Types section.

If needed, you can edit any Position Type by clicking Edit.  This will bring you to the Staff Position Details page again.

Adding Position Types to Programs

Once a Position Type has been created on the client level, you can make it active on a per-program basis.

Missed Reasons

Things happen, events get missed. To be able to set your events into Missed status, you need to first set up Missed Reasons in the Admin.

Under the Events header, select Missed Reasons. This will automatically take you to this section. You can also scroll and look, but clicking is faster.

The missed reasons section will list any missed reasons that have already been added. To add a new reason click the green Add Missed Reason button in the upper right of the box.

This will open the Missed Reason Details page. Here’s where you’ll add the name of the missed reason and you can set it to Active or Inactive status.

Once you’ve made all needed adjustments, click Save. You’ll be returned to the Global Admin page where you will see the new Missed Reason in the list.

You can add additional Missed Reasons by following the above steps. Click Edit to make any changes to the name or active status of any Missed Reasons. Click Delete to remove the Missed Reason completely.

Claim Types

If you’ve got staffing enabled, you may have payroll enabled as well. And if you have payroll enabled, you likely have some people who are looking to get paid. And if you have people wanting to get paid, you need to know why you’re paying, Enter: The Claim Type. Claim Types allow your users to submit specific claims under specific headings so you know what you’re paying for.

Global Setup

Setting up Claim Types in MainEvent starts at the beginning, or at least in the Global page of the Admin section. To get there, click Admin in the navigation bar and select View.

This will bring you to the Global Admin page. In the menu on the left, under the Claims header, select Claim Types.

OR, since you just arrived on the page, you can look at the first section and see that you’re already there! Claim Types are the first section on the Global Admin page. No clicks needed.

Looking at the Claim Types section, you’ll see all pre-existing Claim Types listed here. To add a new Claim Type, click the green Add Claim Type button in the upper right of the box.

This will load the Claim Type Details page. Here’s where you’ll put in the details related to your new claim type. First, you’ll need to name the Claim Type. This is what your staff will see in their Claim Type dropdown in the Staff Portal, so being as clear and specific as possible is best.

Next, you’ll select the Claim Category. This is a dropdown with three options: Time, Amount, Distance. Time refers to time-based claims, like an hourly wage, admin time, conference calls, setup time, etc. Amount means exactly that, the claim will be for a single amount. This could be recompense for Supplies, Parking Fees, or Gas. A Distance claim is one based around mileage. If your staff are paid for mileage or travel, this is where you’ll park those claims.

The following two fields are Budget Code and Pay Code. Those are for you to use if you need them for your own payroll use. They are not necessary to set up a Claim Type in MainEvent.

Next, you’ll set the Active Status for the Claim Type. You can set it to Active or Inactive. Active means your staff will see it, inactive saves it for another day. The default is to Yes.

Receipt Required allows you to determine which claims you want to have users upload a receipt for. Sampling Supplies, Gas, Tolls, or Parking are examples of Claim Types that may require a receipt included. This field defaults to No.

The final initial field is Auto Approve. Toggled to yes, any claim submitted under this type will be automatically approved for payment. Toggled to no, the claim will need to be manually approved. This section is defaulted to No.

If you’re setting up an Amount claim type, that’s it! You’re done. If you’re setting up a Time or Distance claim, you’ve still got some work to do.

For Time and Distance Claims, you’ll need to set the Default Amount. This is the base amount that any claim of these types will default to if no overrides are put in place. This would be the base pay.

Next, you have the option of adding in per state minimum rates, as well as Next Rate and Next Effective Date per state. If you know that there’s a minimum wage increase coming in a specific state, put that here and let the system know in advance when those changes are coming.

If you pay different rates per state, you will want to complete these fields. If your pay scale is universal, these fields are optional.

Once you have added all the necessary detail in, click Save at the top of the page.

Your new Claim Type will now be included in the list. To make changes, you can click Edit. This will allow you to alter any details about any claim type. If you added a type that is not needed and has not had any claims submitted against it, you may remove it from the system by clicking Delete.

Client Level

Once you have the Claim Type created at the Global level, you need to activate it on any client sites you wish to use it from. To get to a client site from the global page, click Clients in the menu on the left of the page. You will be taken to a list of all clients sites. Enter the site by clicking Edit.


Now that you’re on the client site, the initial steps will be similar to those we followed on the global level. Under the Clients header in the menu on the left side of the page, click Claim Types. If you do not have Assets enabled on your client, this section will be the top section in the Client admin.

Looking at the Claim Types section, you’ll see all Global Claim Types listed. Any new Claim Types will need to be made active on your client site, as all new Claim Types default to inactive on the Client and Program level. To activate a Claim Type, click Edit.

This will open the Claim Type Details page. The Name and Claim Type fields will be uneditable. The next field is where you’ll set the active status. Select Yes to make the Claim Type active on the client site. Next, there’s an Auto Approve Yes/No select. If you want to have this claim type automatically approved for payment, select yes. Otherwise, leave it at No (the default).

The final fields are Rate fields. The first, Default Rate, is the universal rate that this claim type will be paid to all users who make a claim on this client site. The Default Rate will default to the rate you input on the Global level (in this example, $15.00). If this particular client has a higher or lower default rate for this particular Claim Type you can make edits here and that edited rate will be applied on all claims of this type on this client site (not globally). The last fields will be Position Rates. There will be one Position Rate field per position type on the client. So, if you have Position Types that will get paid different amounts for the same Claim Type, you would input that in these fields. Only amounts that differ from the Default Rate need to be input. These amounts will be applied to all claims of this type submitted by users assigned to a shift of this position type.

Once all your edits are made, click Save. You will be returned to the Claim Types section of the admin. The Claim Type will now be displaying in Active status.

Program Level

So, we’ve added the Claim Type on the Global level, and made it Active on the Client site. Now we’ve got to decide what Programs you want to make the Claim Type active on. So, let’s do it. Under the Clients header in the configuration menu, click Programs.

This will bring you to the list of Programs within the client site. Click Edit next to the Program you wish to activate the Claim Type under.

Now you’re looking at the Program level admin page. In the configuration menu on the left, under the Staff header, click Claim Types.

This will bring you to the Program Claim Types section. You’ll see all Global Claim Types listed. Any new Claim Types will need to be made active in the Program admin, as all new Claim Types default to inactive on the Client and Program level. To activate a Claim Type, click Edit.

This will open the Program Claim Type Details page. Once again, the Name and Type fields will be uneditable. You can switch the active status on the Claim Type here. You can also set up Auto-Approval which will automatically approve all claims of this type submitted for this Program. This setting defaults to No. You will also be able to enter a Program-specific Default Rate. Any amount you enter here will override the Default Rate on both the Global and Client levels. You can also enter Position Rates for any Position Types you have active on the Program. This again will override any Position Rate that was entered at the Client level. Finally, you have the Claim Type Permissions section. This section is where you will determine which Event Types will have this Claim Type available. To enable standard claims, click the checkbox under the Allow Claims header. This will allow your staff users to enter claims from the portal using this claim type for this event type. The other option in this section is Automatically Generate. If you select this option, another field will open under the Minutes header. This type of claim allows you to add an automatically generated claim submission for an event type. For example, say your staff users have 15 minutes of administrative duties when they finish a full shift as a Brand Ambassador. You may want to make an Admin Time Claim Type and have it automatically generate those claims for every BA shift that user is assigned to.

If you do not select Allow Claims or Automatically Generate, the Claim Type will not be active on the Program and will not display as an option when staff are submitting their claims. 

Once you have completed your edits, click Save. This will bring you back to the Program Admin. Scroll down and you will see the changes you made reflected in the Claim Types section.

Pay Periods

If you have payroll enabled on your MainEvent site, you’ll need to configure your Pay Periods. This will make sure that your staff are paid on time.

Pay Periods are set on the Global level. It is not possible to have varied pay periods across different client sites. From the Global Admin page, click Pay Periods in the configuration menu on the left.

This will automatically bring you to the Pay Periods section on the admin page. The Pay Periods section will display any previously created pay periods on the site. The columns in the section are: Start Date, End Date, Approval Cutoff, Paydate, Locked, Claim Count.

The start date is the date that the claims will begin to accumulate for that pay period. The end date will be the final date that claims will be collected for that pay period. Approval Cutoff is the date that the claims must be approved by to be included for that pay period (this date may be after the end date). Paydate is the day that your staff users will receive their payment. Locked refers to whether the period is Open or Locked to additional claims. Locked means that no additional claims can be added to the period. Claim Count is the number of claims that have accumulated for that specific pay period.

To add a new pay period click + Pay Period in the upper right of the section.

This will open the Pay Period Details page. The first field will be Start Date. If you are adding to previously existing Pay Periods on the site, be sure to confirm when the last Pay Period ends so that you are not duplicating. Otherwise, add the date that you wish to begin running payroll on the site.

Next, you’ll enter the End Date. This part is up to your payroll. Pay weekly? You’ll want to have the End Date be one week after your Start Date. Pay bi-weekly? You’ll want the dates to reflect that. Monthly? You can do that too. Whatever your payroll schedule is, the system will follow your lead.

The next two sections -First Trigger Date, First Trigger Time, Second Trigger Date, and Second Trigger Time - will allow you to get a ‘first peak’ at the claims that have been submitted. These triggers will not complete the payment, they are also not required to complete the payroll period setup.

The lock date is the date after which no approved claims will be included in the payroll process. Anything approved for payment after the lock date will be included on the following pay date, so it is very important that those in charge of claims approval are aware of the lock dates.

Next, we come to the Third Trigger. This is the trigger that makes the difference. The third trigger will send the claims via integration off to the payroll company and get everyone paid. The time indicates the time that the claim files will be sent. The Pay Date is the day that your staff will receive their payments. The Locked status will change after the Lock Date and Lock Time have been passed.

Once you have completed the fields as you wish, click Save.

In order for your staff to submit claims, you will need to have current pay periods. It is recommended that you set up many into the future and perhaps set a reminder so they don’t expire!