Admin - Locations
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Admin - Locations

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Article summary

Would a rose by any other name smell as sweet? Would a location without an attribute be as useful? Location Attributes are a handy tool to assist with tracking location data. Tag locations with attributes that will help set them apart from others. Examples would include: On-Site parking, Wheelchair accessible, Transit nearby. Metrics that might make your reporting easier.

Adding Location Attributes

Location Attributes are added at the Global level and can then be attached to any/all locations added to your MainEvent site. To begin adding Location Variables, click Admin on the navigation menu and select View.

Once the Admin section has loaded, select Location Attributes under the Locations header in the Configuration menu.

Now you’re looking at the Locations section of the Admin, and more specifically, the Location Attributes section. All previously created Location Attributes will be listed in this section. If none have been added before, this section will be empty.

To add a new Location Attribute, click Add Location Attribute.

This will open the Edit Location Attributes page. Here you will be able to add a Name and set the Active Status (Yes/No) of the Attribute. When you’ve made the changes, click Save.

Now your new Attribute will be listed in the Location Attributes section.

Click Edit to make any changes to the Attribute. If a Location Attribute is not assigned to any locations, you can also click Delete and remove the Attribute from the system.

Parent Location Chains

Parent Location Chains allows you to create nested chain entries so that subsidiary chains can be tied to their parent chain. For example, Walmart is the Parent Chain for Sam’s Club, Walmart Superstore, and Walmart Neighborhood Market. Adding these locations with a Parent Chain and connecting the subsidiary chains, allows you to see how each division of the Parent Chain performs individually while also being able to see all Walmart locations under one umbrella as well.

Adding Parent Location Chains

Parent Location Chains are added at the Global level. To begin adding Parent Location Chains, click Admin in the navigation menu and select View.

Once the Admin section has loaded, select Location Chains under the Locations header in the Configuration menu.

This will redirect you to the Location Chains page. Here all Parent Location Chains will be displayed with their nested hierarchy visible.

To add a new Parent Chain, click Create New Parent Chain in the upper right of the page.

This will load the Edit Location Chain page. Here you will add the Name of the Parent Chain (we’ll be using a generic chain for our example), and choose the Active Status (Yes/No) of the Chain. Once you have done that, click Save to create the Parent Chain.

The new Parent Chain will be visible on the Location Chains page at this time. To begin adding subsidiary chains, click Create New Chain.

The Edit Location Chain page will require you to select the Parent Chain you wish to tie your Location Chain to. This will be in the form of a drop down single select list. Next, enter the name of the subsidiary chain and select the Active Status (Yes/No). When you’ve added all the information, click Save.

The new chain will now be listed under the Parent Chain.

Continue to add as many chains within the Parent Chain as needed following the same steps.

Location Fields

Have something to say about a location but just have nowhere to say it? Use a Location Custom Field to include any information you need to know about the locations on your MainEvent site. Location Custom Fields are exactly that, custom. You decide what fields you need to cover the information you want to list on your locations.

Adding Location Fields

To begin adding Location Fields, click Admin in the navigation menu and select View.

Once the Admin section has loaded, select Location Fields under the Locations header in the Configuration menu.

This will open the Edit Custom Fields page. Any previously created Location Fields will be listed in this section, with the Field Name, Field Type, Active Status, and Required Status listed. To create a new Location Field, click Add New Field.

You will now be viewing the Edit Venue Custom Fields page. This page will allow you to build custom fields using the same framework used on the custom recap builder. First, enter the Field Name, then select the field type, whether the field should be active, required, and have the options sorted alphabetically (if applicable). You can also enter a minimum and/or maximum field length. Finally, you can enter Help Text if there’s something specific that you need to point out to users.

Field types will be: Integer, Float (1 or 2 decimal), Money, Text, Textarea, Select, Yes/No Select, Multiselect, Date, Time, and Subsection Label.

When you’ve completed this section, you may click Save if you are finished adding fields, or click Submit and Add Another if you have additional fields to create.

The fields will automatically display in the order they are submitted. If needed, you can reorder the fields by dragging and dropping the fields to the desired location in the list.

Location Variables

Location Variables allow you to have certain information display only for locations that have the variables assigned to them.

For example, if you’re running a program at hardware stores. If the hardware store has a garden centre, you have additional questions to ask. If the location doesn’t have a garden centre, those questions are not needed. So, you assign a location variable to the location with a garden centre and the recap, and only those users working at the store with a garden centre will receive those questions.

Creating a Location Variable

Location Variables are created in the admin section and then implemented in different areas of the site. We’ll start by creating a variable, then go into the specifics on how to use them.

To begin, click Admin in the navigation menu, then select View.

This will bring you to the Global admin page. In the Global Configuration Menu on the left of the page, find and click Location Variables under the Locations heading.

This will bring you to the Global Location Variables section. Location Variables must be created at the global level first, then activated on the client level. Here any pre-existing Location Variables will be listed here with their Active Status displayed. To add a new Location Variable, click Add Location Variable.

You will now be on the Edit Location Variable page. Here you will name your new Location Variable, and select the Active Status (Yes/No). Once you have added the Name and chosen the correct status, click Save.  If you're adding more than one, click Save & Add Another.

Your new Location Variable will now be visible in the list.

Activating a Location Variable on the Client Admin

So, you’ve got a Location Variable added and you’re ready to run with it. But wait, there’s more (steps)! You need to make sure you activate the variable on any/all clients that will be making use of it. To do that, in the Global Configuration Menu click on Clients under the Global header.

From the list of clients on your site, click Edit or the Client Name next to the appropriate listing.

This will bring you to the client level admin page. Here you’ll see another Configuration Menu on the left. Select Location Variables under the Locations header.

The Location Variables section on the client level will display any available Location Variables. Those that are active on the client will be highlighted. Click to select any Location Variables. Hold Shift + Select to choose multiple Location Variables.

Once your selections have been made click Save at the top of the page. Your Location Variable will now be available for use on that client.

Adding a Location Variable to a Location

A Variable without a Location is a ship without a port, a bird without a song, a Big Mac without two all beef patties, special sauce, onions, pickles, and lettuce on a sesame seed bun. You get the idea. You’ve done the work of adding your Location Variable to the system and activating it on the client, but to start getting any benefit from it, you need to assign it to a location. You can add Location Variables to existing locations or new. Let’s start with a new location.