Admin - Event Types
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Admin - Event Types

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Article summary

Every event created in the system will be assigned to an Event type. Event Types are used to classify events into different categories as well as to drive additional questions on the Add Event page.

Create/Edit Event Types

In order to navigate to the Event Type management section, follow the steps below.

  1. In the navigation bar click on Admin -> View
  2. On the left side of the next page, click Clients and then choose which client you would like to edit.
  3. Under the Events Section on the left side of the page will be an Event Types section.
    1. This section will show all current event types as well as allow for you to create new ones.

Required Fields

When adding an event type, you will need to assign it a name and make sure its status is set to active. There are a number of fields below the status that can be set.

Optional Settings

There are a number of additional options that can be toggled on the add Event Type page.

Premise Type

Further classification option to determine if an event is On or Off Premise.

Display on Calendar

Determines if the Event Type will appear on the calendar page

Allow Guerilla Sub-Events

Allows for the Event Type to be used on Guerilla Sub Events

Can Be Scheduled Directly

Allows for the event type to be used while scheduling new events.

Is a Guerilla Stop Type

Determines if an Event Type can be set as a Guerilla Stop type.

Event Time Rules

Event Time Rules determine the minimum and/or maximum number of minutes required per event of the event type.  If set to 0, event time rules will not be applied.  You will also have the option of entering maximum or minimum minutes per market.  

Associate Event Types to Programs

Once Event Types are created, they will need to be associated with a program(s) in order to appear as an option when adding/editing events.

To associate an Event Type to a Program, follow the steps below:

  1. In the navigation bar click on Admin -> View
  2. On the left side of the next page, click Clients and then choose which client you would like to edit.
  3. Under the Clients section on the left side of the page click on the Programs option.

You will see a full list of existing programs. Click Edit for the program you would like the Event Type to be an option for. On the following page, scroll down to the Active Event Types section to set which event types are assigned. You can also navigate to the Active Event type section by using the navigation bar on the left side of the page.

Once set as desired, save the page to apply the settings.