Admin - Event Settings
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Admin - Event Settings

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Article summary

The Event Settings section of the client admin section can be used to toggle a variety of options that affect the event creation process. These settings will apply to all events under a client and can only be edited by admin users.

To edit a client’s event settings, follow the steps below.

  1. Click on Admin in the navigation bar and got o View
  2. In the Global section click on the Clients option and then Edit the desired client.
  3. In the Events section go to Event Settings.

Default Times

You can set default start/end times for events that are automatically applied when adding new events to the site. For example, you can set the times so that all events added start at 5pm and end at 10pm, saving you time when creating events.


Event Name

If toggled to yes, a Event Name field will appear on the add event page which allows you to name each event with a custom name.

Use Event Requests

If your site is using the Event Request functionality, you will need to enable it at the client level.

Auto Activate Approved Staff

If toggled to yes, contacts can be added to events.

Show Program Documents when Adding Event

If there are documents added at the program level, enabling this toggle will allow them to be displayed when adding an event. 

Newly Created Locations can Require Approval Based on Role

With a name like that, it's function truly speaks for itself.  When specific role types add new locations to the system, this toggle can require that those locations are approved by other roles prior to them being added officially.

Use Event Contacts

Contacts can be added to events.

Use Tasks

If toggled to yes, tasks can be added to events.

Use Map

If toggled to yes, a map will be displayed on the event summary page.

Use Helpful Locations

If toggled to yes, helpful locations will display on the event summary page.

Auto Highlight media

If toggled to yes, uploaded media will automatically be flagged as highlighted.

Use Duplicate Event Button

A configurable setting that will allow you to select specific aspects of the event to duplicate.  

Use Event Owner Field

Assign a user to be the 'owner' of the event.  

Event Schedule Warning

A buffer period of a set number of days before an event which will cause any event entered within that period to receive a message.  The event will be able to be scheduled after the warning is dismissed. 

Event Schedule Rule

A buffer period of a set number of days before an event which will cause any event created within that period to receive a message.  The event will not be able to be scheduled within the buffer period.  

Media Disclaimer

The entered message will display at the top of the media page.